[137a - 33 lines; 137b - 40 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any OTHER important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos

[1] Gemara 137a [line 31]:

The words "Tanya d'Vei Rebbi Yishmael b'Rebbi Yosi" úðéà ãáé øáé éùîòàì áø' éåñé

should be "Tanya Rebbi Yishmael b'Rebbi Yosi" úðéà øáé éùîòàì áø' éåñé (YA'AVETZ — "d'Vei" does not appear in RASHI or the RIF)

[2] Rashi 137a DH veha'Amar Mar åäàîø îø (near the end of the page):

The words "Afilu Hachi Lo Palginan" àô''ä ìà ôìâéðï

should be "va'Afilu Hachi Lo Palginan" åàô''ä ìà ôìâéðï

[3] Rashi 137b DH Ela d'Rav ad'Rav àìà ãøá àãøá (at the end of the page):

The word "Kulo" ëåìå is written in parentheses but is the proper Girsa; the total amount of wool sheared from all five sheep must be the equivalent of a Maneh and a half


1)[line 1]á÷ãåùä åîëéøäBI'KEDUSHAH U'MECHIRAH- see Background to Chulin 136:30:7-8.

2)[line 1]åäðê ðôéùéïV'HANACH NEFISHAN- and these similarities are actually greater in number (which sways the balance in many instances — see, for example, Sanhedrin 52a, 83a, Shevuos 34a and Menachos 74a)

3)[line 1]ôùåè îôùåè òãéó ìéäPASHUT MI'PASHUT ADIF LEI- [even though there are more reasons why Reishis ha'Gez is more comparable to Bechor than to Ma'aser, Rebbi Shimon still learns Reishis ha'Gez from Ma'aser, since the comparison of] Pashut, that both Reishis ha'Gez and Ma'aser Behemah apply to all of an animal's offspring, not only to the firstborn, is preferable to him

4)[line 5]"... åîâæ ëáùé éúçîí""... UMI'GEZ KEVASAI YISCHAMAM"- "... and he would become warm [with the garments that I made for him] from the shearing of my sheep" (Iyov 31:20).

5)[line 7]"ìà úòáåã ááëåø ùåøê åìà úâåæ áëåø öàðê""... LO SA'AVOD BI'VECHOR SHORECHA V'LO SAGOZ BECHOR TZONECHA"- "[All of the firstborn males that will be born in your cattle and your flocks you shall sanctify to HaSh-m, your G-d;] you shall do no work with the firstling of your bulls, nor shear the firstling of your sheep" (Devarim 15:19).

6)[line 9]ìéúï äàîåø ùì æä áæä åàú äàîåø ùì æä áæäLITEN HA'AMUR SHEL ZEH B'ZEH V'ES HA'AMUR SHEL ZEH B'ZEH- to apply what was said in this topic to that topic, and to apply what was said in that topic to this topic, i.e. that it is also prohibited to do work with Bechoros of sheep and to shave the Bechoros of cattle

7)[line 12]åìà ìù÷åV'LO L'SAKO- (lit. and not for his sack) wool that is presented to the Kohen is used for making garments; the hair of bulls could only be used for making sacks, since it is of inferior quality

8)[line 12]ðåöä ùì òæéíNOTZAH SHEL IZIM- mohair

9)[line 13]áòéðï âéæä åìéëàBA'INAN GIZAH V'LEIKA- we require shearing, and this does not exist [with regard to goats, the hair of which is combed or plucked out]

10)[line 14]áîéãé ãàåøçéäB'MIDI D'URCHEI- with regard to a normal process (i.e. and the plucking process for goats is equivalent to the shearing process for sheep, according to Rebbi Yosi)

11)[line 15]ãáø äøàåé ìùéøåúDAVAR HA'RA'UY L'SHERUS- an item that is fit for service in the Beis ha'Mikdash; i.e. wool, which when dyed with Techeles is used for making the Bigdei Kehunah

12)[line 18]åùåèó àú äøçìéíV'SHOTEF ES HA'RECHELIM- [and removing wool by] cleaning sheep in a river

13)[line 19]"ì÷è ÷öéøê [ìà úì÷è]""LEKET KETZIRCHA [LO SELAKET]"- "the gleaning [of the field] that you cut [do not gather]" (Vayikra 19:9)

14)[line 20]ì÷è ÷éèåóLEKET KITUF- the gleaning of the field, the stalks of which were picked by hand

15)[line 23]òå÷øOKER- if one uproots a stalk which is usually uprooted in order to retrieve its fruit, such as onions or beans

16)[line 23]"[åá÷öøëí àú ÷öéø àøöëí ìà úëìä ôàú ùãê] ì÷öåø [åì÷è ÷öéøê ìà úì÷è]""[UV'KUTZRECHEM ES KETZIR ARTZECHEM, LO SECHALEH PE'AS SADCHA] LIKTZOR"- "[And when you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not complete] the reaping [to the very corners of your field]" (Vayikra 19:9) - This word is seemingly superfluous, and Rebbi Yosi uses it to teach that even plants that are normally uprooted obligate the owner in Leket.

17)[line 23]úåìùTOLESH- if one picks the fruit of a plant which is usually picked, leaving the plant itself intact, such as tomatoes or peas

18)[line 24]"[ìà úëìä ôàú ùãê] á÷öøê [åì÷è ÷öéøê ìà úì÷è ìòðé åìâø úòæåá àúí àðé ä' àì÷éëí]""[LO SECHALEH PE'AS SADCHA] BI'KUTZRECHA [V'LEKET KETZIRCHA LO SELAKET, LE'ANI VELA'GER TA'AZOV OSAM, ANI HASH-M ELOKEICHEM]"- "[do not finish off the corner of your field] while you reap; [you should leave them to the poor and to the stranger; I am HaSh-m your G-d.]" (Vayikra 23:22)

19)[line 24]îìáðåú áöìéíMALBENOS BETZALIM- rectangular onion-patches

20)[line 25]ùáéï äéø÷SHE'BEIN HA'YEREK- that are planted between vegetables

21)[line 27]"åçîù öàï òùåéåú""V'CHAMEISH TZON ASUYOS"- "and five cooked sheep" (Shmuel I 25:18). See Background to Chulin 135:5.

22)[line 27]ùòåùåú á' îöåúSHE'OSOS SHTEI MITZVOS- that [cause their owner to] do two Mitzvos

23)[line 29]ùîòùåú àú áòìéäïSHE'ME'ASOS ES BA'ALEIHEN- that force their owner to perform a Mitzvah

24)[line 31]ãáøéäïDIVREIHEN- their words (i.e. those of Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel)

25)[line 31]ãáøé úåøäDIVREI TORAH- words mentioned in the Torah

26)[line 32]áøéáéBERIBI- a great Talmid Chacham, i.e. Rebbi Yishmael b'Rebbi Yosi

27)[line 32]÷áìäKABALAH- words mentioned in the Nevi'im

28)[last line]àéï äëøòä ùìéùéú îëøòúEIN HACHRA'AH SHELISHIS MACHRA'AS

(a)When three opinions are expressed regarding a certain matter and one of them is an intermediate opinion which accepts part of what was expressed by each extreme opinion, thereby compromising between the two other opinions, the Halachah follows that opinion.

(b)If the intermediate opinion is stated as an independent third opinion, and is not based on a dichotomy hinted at by the first two opinions (such as Rebbi Yosi's opinion that four sheep, not two or five sheep, obligate their owner in Reishis ha'Gez), the Halachah does not necessarily follow that opinion (RASHI).


29)[line 1]îôé ùîåòäMI'PI SHEMU'AH- from a tradition

30)[line 3]îðä åôøñMANAH U'FERAS- the total volume of the wool of all five animals must weigh a Maneh and a half; 150 Dinerin

31)[line 4]ùéäå îçåîùåúSHE'YEHU MECHUMASHOS- each sheep should produce a fifth of the Maneh-and-a-half, i.e. (seven and a half Sela'im or) thirty Dinerin

32)[line 6]ùù; ìëäï çîùä åàçã ìåSHESH: LA'KOHEN CHAMISHAH V'ECHAD LO- six [Sela'im]: five for the Kohen and one for him (the owner of the sheep)

33)[line 7]ëì ùäï ùðéðåKOL SHE'HEN SHANINU- we learned in the Mishnah [that the Rabanan taught] even the most minute amount (and that is the explanation of their opinion)

34)[line 29]àùëçéä ìø' éåçðï ã÷à îúðé ìéä ìáøéäASHKECHEI (L')REBBI YOCHANAN D'KA MASNEI LEI L'VEREI- Rebbi Yochanan found [Isi bar Hini,] who was teaching his son

35)[line 31]àîø ìéäAMAR LEI- he (Rebbi Yochanan) said to him

36)[line 31]øéù ñãøàREISH SIDRA- the Rosh Yeshiva

37)[line 31]àáà àøéëàABA ARIKA- Aba the tall, the name and nickname of Rav, which was not a respectable manner in which to refer to him

38)[line 32]ãëéøðàDACHIRNA- I remember

39)[line 33]åðô÷é æé÷å÷éï ãðåøV'NAFKEI ZIKUKIN D'NUR- and sparks of fire would fly out

40)[line 36]àí ëï îä áéï ìé åìêIM KEN, MAH BEIN LI VA'LACH?- Why do I get more respect than you, if not because I know the meaning of the Mishnah better than you?

41)[line 38]àðçúANCHAS- one of your statements is settled; not problematic

42)[line 38]åà÷ùúV'AKSHAS- and one of your statements raises a difficulty

43)[last line]áï àøáòéí ñìòéí ãäåä ìéä áùùéíBEN ARBA'IM SELA'IM D'HAVAH LEI B'SHISHIM- [a Manah] that is comprised of forty Dinerin (instead of twenty-five), which results in an amount of sixty Sela'im for the total sheared wool that is obligated in Reishis ha'Gez. (As such, the amounts of Rav and Shmuel are identical; they only differ in the requirement of Mechumashos.)