

úåñôåú ã"ä îä"î

(SUMMARY: Tosfos asks why the Gemara does not exclude a partnership with a Nochri.)

ôéøåù ãøàùéú äâæ àéðå ðåäâ àìà áøçìéí åìà áòæéí ãòæéí ðîé à÷øå öàï ãëúéá (áøàùéú ëæ) ìê ðà àì äöàï å÷ç ìé îùí ùðé âãéé òæéí


Explanation: This means that Reishis ha'Gez only applies to sheep, not goats. This is despite the fact that goats are also called sheep, as the Pasuk states, "Go to the sheep and take from there two young goats."



úåñôåú ã"ä àúéà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos asks how we can derive a Torah law from the Nevi'im.)

àò"â ããáøé úåøä îãáøé ÷áìä ìà éìôéðï


Implied Question: This is despite the fact that we do not derive Torah laws from Pesukim from Nevi'im. (How, then, can we make this derivation?)

âéìåé îéìúà áòìîà äåà ãâæ ãëáùéí äåà åàéï æä ãáø çãù


Answer: This is merely revealing that this is regarding sheep shearings. It is not a new teaching.

å÷öú îùîò ãâæøä ùåä äéà îãôøéê áñîåê àìà âéæä âéæä ìîàé àúà î"î àéðå ãáø çãù


Observation: There is a slight implication that this is a Gezeirah Shaveh, as the Gemara asks later "What do we derive from Giza-Giza?" Even so, it would not be teaching anything new.



úåñôåú ã"ä åìéìó

(SUMMARY: Tosfos asks how we can include oxen despite the fact that the Pasuk explicitly states "sheep.")

åà"ú åäéëé îöéðï ìîéìó îáëåø ãàôéìå ùåø äà öàï ëúéá


Question: How can we derive from Bechor that Reishis ha'Gez even applies to oxen? It explicitly says "sheep!"

åé"ì ãäåä àîéðà ãöàï ìàå ãå÷à ëé äéëé ãìà úâåæ áëåø öàðê ìàå ãå÷à


Answer: I would think that "sheep" is not limited to sheep, just as "do not shear the firstborn of your sheep" is not limited to sheep (but rather any kosher animal).



úåñôåú ã"ä òå÷ø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why two Pesukim are needed.)

åàéöèøéê úøé ÷øàé îùåí ãòå÷ø äåà ÷öú àåøçéä èôé îúåìù


Explanation: Two Pesukim are need because it is more normal to rip out the produce with the root than without it.




úåñôåú ã"ä òã ùöáòå

(SUMMARY: Rashi gave two explanations for why he is exempt "until he colored it.")

ôéøù á÷åðèøñ îùåí ãäåé ëîå îæé÷ îúðåú àå àåëìï ãôèåø åä"ð âåæì


Explanation #1: Rashi explains that this is because it is like a person who damages Matanos or eats them. Just as such a person is exempt from replacing them, so too is someone who steals them.

åúéîä ãà"ë îàé ÷î"ì øá çñãà ëéåï ãîúðé' äéà


Question: If so, what is the reason that Rav Chisda (130b) has to teach us this lesson (that one who damages or eats Matanos is exempt)? It is the reason of our Mishnah!

åáôé' øù"é äøàùåðéí áîëúá éãå ôéøù ù÷åãí ùâææ çîù öàï ãäééðå ëãé çéåá öáò îä ùâææ ùìà áà ìéãé çéåá òã ùöáòå åäòáéø òìéå ÷åìîåñ


Explanation #2: In the earlier commentaries of Rashi written in his handwriting he explained that this refers to a time before he sheared five sheep which causes one to be obligated to color the shorn wool. He did not become obligated until he colored it. However, Rashi erased this explanation.

åðøàä ã÷î"ì øá çñãà ùìà ðôøù îúðé' ëôéøåù ùîç÷ á÷åðèøñ àìà ôèåø îùåí ãîæé÷ îúðåú ëäåðä ù÷ðàï áùéðåé


Answer: It appears that Rav Chisda was teaching that we should not explain the Mishnah as did Rashi in his earlier writings. Rather, one is exempt from paying for Matnos Kehunah that he damaged because he acquired them through making a Shinuy (i.e. change in the object).



úåñôåú ã"ä åäà àðï úðï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Gemara did not say that Shmuel is teaching us that a stingy person gives one sixtieth of his produce as Terumah.)

ùéòåø úøåîä òéï éôä àçã îàøáòéí


Explanation: The Mishnah states that one who gives abundantly gives one fortieth of his produce as Terumah.

åìà áòé ìîéîø ãùîåàì àééøé áòéï øòä ãàí ëï îàé ÷î"ì îúðéúéï äéà áîñëú úøåîåú (ôø÷ ã î"â) òéï øòä àçã îùùéí


Explanation (cont.): The Gemara did not want to say that Shmuel is teaching that one sixtieth is given by a stingy person, as there is no reason for Shmuel to state what is already clearly stated by the Mishnah in Terumos (4:3).



úåñôåú ã"ä àìå ãáøéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos cites a Yerushalmi that delves into the Mishnah of "Eilu Devarim.")

áéøåùìîé ãîñëú ôàä ôøéê àîàé ìà çùéá ðîé úøåîä áäãééäå ãçèä àçú ôåèøú äëøé ëãùîåàì


Observation: The Yerushalmi in Peah asks, why isn't Terumah on this list of things, as Shmuel states that one kernel of wheat causes an entire crop to be exempt?

åîùðé ãúøåîä éù ìä ùéòåø ìîòìä ùàéï éëåì ìòùåú ëì âøðå úøåîä ëãúðï äòåùä ëì âøðå úøåîä åëì òéñúå çìä ìà òùä åìà ëìåí


Observation (cont.): The Yerushalmi answers that Terumah does have a limit in that one cannot give all of his produce as Terumah. This is as the Mishnah (see Terumos 4:5) states that if someone makes all of his grain Terumah and all of his dough Chalah, he has done nothing.

åôøéê åäøé ôàä ãàéï àãí òåùä ëì ùãäå ôàä å÷úðé


Observation (cont.): The Yerushalmi asks that a person also cannot make his entire field into Pe'ah, yet it is on this list of things that have no set amount!

åîùðé ôàä áùòú çéåáà ãäééðå îùîúçéì ì÷öåø àãí òåùä ëì ùãäå ôàä ãäåé ôàä ìîä ùëáø ÷öø àáì úøåîä áúø çéåáà ãäééðå àçø îéøåç àéï éëåì ìòùåú ëì âøðå úøåîä


Observation (cont.): The Yerushalmi answers that Pe'ah can be all of a field when he is liable. This means that once a person starts harvesting a field, he can make all of his field Pe'ah opposite what he already harvested. However, once one is obligated to take Terumah from produce, meaning after it has been gathered, he cannot make all of his produce Terumah.

áâî' ãäøàéåï ôøéê àîàé ìà çùéá àôø ôøä åòôø ñåèä åøå÷ éáîä


Observation (cont.): The Yerushalmi asks, why aren't the ashes of the Parah Adumah, earth of the Sotah, and spittle of the Yevamah included in this list?

åîùðé ãìà çùéá áîúðé' àìà ãáøéí ãàé òáéã èåáà äåé îöåä àáì àéï îçåéá ìòùåú àìà ëì ùäåà


Observation (cont.): The Yerushalmi answers that the Mishnah only includes things that if one does more of them it is more of a Mitzvah, even though he only must do a little bit of them (as opposed to these things where there is no Mitzvah to do more than the minimal amount).