PROHIBITED EGGS (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 10 Halachah 6 Daf 54a)
çìîåï àñåø îôðé ùäåà áåìò.
(The Mishnah taught that if an egg was seasoned with prohibited spices (such as Terumah or Orlah), even) its yolk is prohibited because it absorbs.
úðé áø ÷ôøà çìîåï àñåø åë''ù çìáåï áéöéí
Baraisa (Bar Kapara): Egg yolks and certainly egg whites are prohibited.
ø' éöç÷ øáä áùí ø''ù áï ì÷éù áéöéí ùùì÷ï åîöà áäï àôøåç áðåúï èòí
(R. Yitzchak Rabbah citing R. Shimon ben Lakish): If a person boiled eggs and then discovered chicks inside them, (since the chicks are Neveilah) they prohibit if they give flavor.
ø' æòéøà ø''ù áø àáà áùí ø' éåçðï àãà áø âøùåï øáé áéøéé ø' ìåé áø ôìèà æ÷ï àçã áùí øáé ùùéí åàçú àñåøåú ùùéí åùúéí îåúøåú
(R. Zeira/ R. Shimon bar Abba citing R. Yochanan/ Adda bar Gershon/ R. Birai/ R. Levi bar Palta/ an elder citing Rebbi): 61 are prohibited; 62 are permitted. (If a Neveilah egg became mixed with 60 eggs, they are prohibited; with 61 eggs, they are permitted.)
ø' ùîåàì áø ðçîï áùí ø' éåðúï äòéã àãà çáéøðå ìôðéðå áùùéí åàîø îé ùéáéà ìé éåúø îùùéí îëùéø àðà
(R. Shmuel bar Nachman citing R. Yonasan): Our colleague Adda testified in front of us that (if the total is 60 (i.e. 1 prohibited with 59 permitted eggs) that it's prohibited. But he said), "Whoever brings me more than 60 (i.e. 1 prohibited and 60 permitted), I will rule that it is permitted''.
àîøéï ìùîòåï áø ååà àîø àú äëéï åàéðåï àîøéï äëéï àîø ìåï àðà îä ãùîòéú åàéðåï îä ãùîòéï
They said to Shimon bar Vava {Abba} - do you really say that unless there are (a total) of 62 eggs, they are all prohibited? But they (R. Shmuel bar Nachman citing R. Yochanan) say that 61 is permitted? R. Shimon bar Vava {Abba} replied - We merely said what we heard and they said what they heard.
ùîòåï áø ååà àîø ÷åîé ø' çðéðà îòùä áà ìôðé øáï âîìéàì áø' à''ì àáà ìà îåøé áàøáòéí åùáò åàðà îåøä áàøáòéí åçîù
(Shimon bar Vava to R. Chanina): A case (of such a mixture) once came before Rabban Gamliel b'Rebbi and he said, "My father didn't wish to rule that one prohibited egg (containing a chick) is annulled in 47. So here, can I rule that when there are 45, they are permitted?!''
ø' çééà áùí ø' çðéðà îòùä áà ìôðé øáé åàîø àéú úîï çîùéï
(R. Chiya citing R. Chanina): A case once came before Rebbi and he said, "If there are 50 permitted eggs, (it is permitted).''
ø' çééà áùí ø' çðéðà åäéø÷ åä÷ìéôéï åäîéí îöèøôéï
(R. Chiya citing R. Chanina): And the vegetables, the eggshells and the water combine (to annul).
à''ø æòéøà åàéñåø îúåëï
(R. Zeira): But when measuring the volume of the prohibited egg, only the contents are considered (not the shell).
à''ø äåðà ÷ìéôé àéñåø îòìéï àú ääéúø
(R. Huna): (Disagreeing) The shell is considered (part of the prohibition).
ø' æòéøà äãà ãúéîø åäåà ùùåì÷ï á÷ìéôéäåï ùìå÷åú áùìå÷åú [ãó öæ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àáì ùåì÷ï áéöéí ÷ìåôåú áùàéðï ÷ìåôåú àå ùàéðï ÷ìåôåú á÷ìåôåú ùìå÷åú áùàéðï ùìå÷åú öøéëéí ùéòåø àçø
(R. Zeira): This (that I said that the shell isn't considered part of the prohibition) is when they were cooked in their shells. However, if one of the types was peeled or only one type was cooked, a different measurement is required.
âéòåìé áéöéí îåúøéí ùåøå òéáø åìà éâòéì áéöéí ùä÷øéîå äøé àìå àñåøåú îåæøåú äðôù äéôä úàëì îöà áäï ãí ÷åìó î÷åí äãí
(Baraisa): If one hit a hen and it prematurely laid an egg, the egg (known as "Gi'ulei Beitzim'') is permitted. The source of this phrase is in the pasuk that states (Iyov 21:10), "His bull impregnates and does not fail ("Yag'il'')''. (This shows that 'Gi'ul' means miscarry.) (Fertilized) eggs in which a thin crust has formed are prohibited (as Neveilos). Unfertilized eggs upon which the hen had sat may be eaten. If blood is found in an unfertilized egg, the blood should be removed and the rest of the egg is permitted.
ø''æ ñì÷ ìîá÷øä ìø' çééà áøéä ãø' éöç÷ òèéùééà àùëçéä éúéá àîø ìà ùðå àìà áìåáï çìîåï àáì áìåáï çìáåï îåúø
R. Zeira went to visit R. Chiya, son of R. Yitzchak Itishaya. R. Zeira found him sitting and saying that (blood in an unfertilized egg is prohibited) only if found on the yoke, but on the white (albumen), it is permitted.
äåà ñáø ãäåà âáéä îï àáäúéä àúà øáé àáäå áùí øáé éåçðï áéï çìáåï áéï çìîåï àñåø
R. Zeira thought that R. Chiya had learned this from his father. However, R. Abahu came and said from R. Yochanan that whether the blood is found in the white or the yoke, it is prohibited.
úðé øáé çìôúà áï ùàåì çìîåï àñåø çìáåï îåúø
Baraisa (R. Chalafta ben Shaul): If blood is found on the yoke, it is prohibited; on the white, it's permitted.
à''ø æòéøà äï ãàîø áçìîåï àñåø ëùðîöà áî÷åí æëøåúå ùì çìîåï åàôéìå çìîåï åäåà ùðîöà áî÷åí æëøåúå ùì îåç ùîîðå àôøåç ðåöø
(R. Zeira): When is it prohibited on the yoke? When it's found on the 'sperm' of the yoke. And a prohibition applies even if found on the 'sperm' of the white, from where the chick is formed.
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Question (Mishnah in Maseches Mikvaos): (The Mishnah here (Chulin 113(g)) taught that the pickling or stewing water of Terumah produce is prohibited to non-Kohanim.) The following disqualify a Mikveh as three Log of drawn water and cannot be used to complete the 40 Se'ah - water, whether it's Tahor or Tamei; pickling or stewing water and unfermented Temed (a mixture of water and grape dregs). Here (in our Mishnah), the pickling and stewing waters are viewed as part of the fruit itself. But here (in Mikvaos) it is viewed as water...?
à''ø îðà ëàï á÷ùéï ëàï áøëéï ëàï áàåëì ëàï áîù÷ä
Answer (R. Mana): Our Mishnah is discussing when olives were pickled before they were soft, so they are viewed as the fruit itself. The Mishnah there is when they were already soft, so they are viewed as liquids.
àîø ø' éåñé á''ø áåï [ãó ðã òîåã á] àôéìå úéîø ëàï åëàï á÷ùéï ëàï åëàï áøëéï ðåúðéï èòîéí áúøåîä åàéï ðåúðéï èòîéí áî÷åä:
(R. Yosi b'R. Bun): They could even both be hard or both be soft - for Terumah, even if a liquid gives flavor, it is prohibited. But for Mikveh, giving flavor is not significant (but rather, whether or not they are actually liquids).