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4. Shmuel Agrees with Rav that a Mavoy Requires Two Chatzeros and Two Batim

aaron asks:

What is the law by two chatzers one after the other(ehad liphnim)and the eruv is in the inside chatzer(the two chatzers did a eruv together) and one guy from the outside chazre forgot to be part of the eruv(case brought on 74:)can just that one guy be mevatel his rshus in both chatzers allowing everyone else to carry in both chatzers. my question is both acc to rabanan and reb akiva. Thanks

aaron, israel

The Kollel replies:

Shalom Rav,

The Gemara says that according to Rebbi Akiva, Bitul Reshus of the Chitzonah to the Penimis is effective (and it is only until he does so that the inner residents are forbidden to carry).

The outer residents are not allowed to carry anyway. In contrast, the Chachamim permit the inner residents to carry because they can close the door etc., but not because of Bitul Reshus (which is ineffective from one Chatzer to another).

B'Virchas Kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler