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Star of David

based on a Hebrew video by Oren Evron here

The Star of David is an ancient symbol of Judaism (see Drashot Ben Ish Chai, ki teitzei). The oldest complete manuscript of the Hebrew Bible, known as the Leningrad Codex (dated 1008CE), has a "Star of David" on its cover page.

Is there a sign that the Hebrew word "Yisrael" (ישראל) and the "Star of David" figurate are mathematically connected?

The mathematical formula for "Star of David" (Hexagram) figurate numbers is

Star(n) = 6n(n-1)+1

The Star of David (Hexagram) figurate is formed by the merging of two triangle Figurates.
For example, two 28 dot triangle figurates can be merged to form a 37 Star of David figurate.


Triangular Numbers

A pool game, for example, is made up of 15 identical size billiard balls.

15 is a triangular number. Thus, the 15 balls can be arranged into a perfect triangle figurate.

If there were 14 balls or 16 balls, this would not be possible.

Examples of triangular numbers are 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, etc.

Their mathematical formula is:

Triangle(n) = n(n+1)/2

Let us now look at the Star of David (Hexagram) numbers according to their formula:
Star(n) = 6n(n-1)+1


All these numbers are and always will be beautiful Star of David numbers.

Let us now look at the Hebrew word "Yisrael" (ישראל).
Gematria of Yisrael
ל א ר ש י
30 1 200 300 10

Our name "Yisrael" stems from the Torah:

"G-d said to him, 'your name is Yaakov. Your name shall no longer be called Yaakov, but Yisrael shall be your name', and He named him Yisrael" (Gen.35:10).

G-d Himself granted us this name after Yaakov, our forefather, vanquished the angel of Eisav which he (spiritually) wrestled with (Genesis 32:23-31).

This angel was the Satan himself.

Yaakov won the struggle and transformed the power of evil to the power of good and this joined with his old name to grant him the new name - Yisrael.

Do you recognize the number 541?

It is none other than the 10th Star of David number.

It is interesting that Yaakov received the name Yisrael after defeating the Satan.

Yisrael hints to a perfect/whole man - Tiferet Yisrael (the splendor of Yisrael).

Center Point
541 is the exact center point of 1081


Tiferet (תפארת) = 1081 and Yisrael ישראל = 541

For Yaakov, the man of truth (Michah 7:20), had all his 10 Sefirot rectified properly (he also became a Merkava (chariot) for the Sefirah of Tiferet).

10 is a whole/collective number. Thus, G-d created the world with 10 utterances and gave us the 10 commandments.

This is why the name G-d granted to us after Yaakov defeated the power of evil is the 10th star of David number.

The statistical odds of the Hebrew name Yisrael having gematria of 541 are slightly more than 1 percent (see video). Thus, the chance of this being designed is about 99 percent.

There is much to elaborate on this.

For example, the inner hexagon of Yisrael has 271 dots.

The 12 triangles in the Magen David have 45 dots (Gematria of Adam).

Every diagonal has 37 rows, and much much more.

Interestingly, 541 = 100th prime number = 102


One of the most striking examples of natural artistry in the inanimate world is in the formation of snowflakes. Each snowflake is a miracle of beauty, a masterpiece of design and no one design seems to ever be repeated. Amazingly, snowflakes typically have a Magen David or an outline of it discernible in the center. Here is a picture of a real typical snowflake under a microscope.

Zion Star

The Torah commands us: "speak to all the congregation of the people of Israel and say to them, you shall be holy, for I the L-rd your G-d am holy." (Lev.19:2).

The final verse in this weekly portion (Kedoshim) has 2701 Gematria[1]. For this torah portion contains the purpose of creation - to become holy like G-d.

"And they shall make Me a sanctuary and I will dwell in their midst" (Ex.25:8).

And in the "Path of the Just" ch.26 (final chapter):
"But for the holy man who constantly clings to his G-d, whose soul treads freely among true thoughts in love of his Creator and fear of Him, behold, it is considered as if he is walking before G-d in the Land of the Living, while still here in this world.

Such a man is himself considered as a Tabernacle, a Temple and an altar. For the Shechina (divine presence) dwells within him just as it dwelled in the Temple [of Jerusalem]. Due to this, the food he eats is like a sacrifice offered upon the fire of the altar, for certainly it was a great elevation for those things to be offered on the altar, since they were offered before the Shechinah."
The Gematria of "Zion", the place of the Temple:
=ציון (Zion)=156
The Gematria of "Shechina" (divine presence):
=שכינה (Shechina)=385
Total: 156 + 385 = 541 (Israel)

The 10th Star of David figurate (Israel) is composed of a frame and inner part.
Amazingly, this splits into 156/385 for Zion/Shechinah.

And in the daily prayers, we say: "And may our eyes behold Your return to Zion in mercy. Blessed are You L-rd, who restores His Shechinah to Zion"

156 is also the Gematria of "Yosef" who was the epitome of the "Tzadik" (righteous person)[2]. For as before, the job of the Tzadik is to become a Temple for G-d's holiness just like Zion was the Temple for G-d's Shechina (divine presence[3]) (heard from Oren Evron).

Interestingly, the "Zionist" movement to resettle the land of Israel consisted mainly of secular Jews. For they wanted the land of Israel as a sort of nationalist motive. But their motives lacked the Shechinah aspect. Thus, divine providence arranged it that the Israeli flag of the "Zionists" was that of the frame of the star of David only. But the real purpose of Israel is to also bring the Shechinah into the world. (and likewise, for marriage between husband and wife - to build a torah home where the Shechinah can dwell. All this and more is symbolized in the Star of David!)

>> Next: Divine Star


  • [1] there are 3 verses in the Torah with Gematria 2701. Genesis 1:1, Genesis 8:14 which is the last verse of the story of the flood, and Leviticus 20:27 the last verse of Torah portion "you shall be holy". see section "Pi and Genesis" footnote 6 for more details. return to text
  • [2] perhaps no other righteous man in history underwent more challenges, sufferings, and temptations to sin than Yosef, yet with unflinching faith in G-d, he faced the hardships, grew from them and restrained himself with superhuman strength day in and day out. see also section "Sturdy Foundation".
    Note that the word "Zion" appears in the Prophets (Tanach) but not in the Torah. The place of the Shechinah in the Torah was called the "Tent of Meeting" אהל מועד. Amazingly, this also has Gematria=156 just like "Zion".
    Observe also: 156×385=60,060 i.e. sixty in the thousands and sixty in the units. This needs investigation. return to text
  • [3] The Shechinah is the manifestation of the final of the 10 Sefirot - the Sefirah of Malchut. Malchut is the actualization of the divine revelation which began as point, namely, Chochmah-wisdom. Malchut is the final manifestation, the original intention. It is for this reason that Malchut is also called "Shechina" - the Divine Indwelling Presence, the immanent revelation of G-d (chabad.org). return to text

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