MENACHOS 15 (14 Elul) - This Daf has been dedicated in honor of the Yahrzeit of Yisrael (son of Chazkel and Miryam) Rosenbaum who passed away on 14 Elul, by his son and daughter and their families.

[15a - 51 lines; 15b - 47 lines]

1)[line 4]ãäöéõ îøöä òì äòåìéïDEHA'TZITZ MERATZEH AL HA'OLIN- the Tzitz effects acceptance for those parts of the offerings that go up on the Mizbe'ach

2)[line 5]ùðéäí éòùå áèåîàäSHENEIHEM YE'ASU B'TUM'AH- [if one of the spoons became Tamei, still] both of them may be offered on the Mizbe'ach in a state of Tum'ah

3)[line 6]ìôé ùàéï ÷øáï öéáåø çìå÷LEFI SHE'EIN KORBAN TZIBUR CHALUK- because a communal offering is not divided; i.e. communal offerings that become Tamei may be offered even l'Chatchilah, because Tum'ah is pushed aside for the sake of the Tzibur

4)[line 18]ìîåã òøåêLIMUD ARUCH- a clearly set-out teaching

5)[line 36]ìçí âìì úåãä åàéï úåãä âìì ãìçíLECHEM GELAL TODAH V'EIN TODAH GELAL D'LECHEM- the loaves of bread are brought on account of (and are therefore secondary to) the Korban Todah, and the Todah is not brought on account of the bread; i.e. the animal is the main component of a Todah offering, while the breads are secondary, as seen from the fact that the Shechitah of the animal is what sanctifies the bread

6)[line 39]ãìà äåæ÷÷å æä ìæä áúðåôäD'LO HUZKEKU ZEH LA'ZEH BI'SENUFAH- [when one has an intent of Pigul with regard to the loaves of a Korban Todah, the Todah does not become disqualified as Pigul] because the Todah and its loaves did not become connected to each other through waving


7)[line 1]ñîãøSEMADAR- an early stage of unripe grape

8)[line 5]÷ðáåñKANVUS- (O.F. chenevaz, from the Greek cannabis) hemp

9)[line 6]åìåóV'LUF- (a) a type of onion, similar to colocasia (such as elephant's ear cabbage), with edible leaves and roots; (b) (O.F. lupine) a type of lupine or bean plant (MEFARESH to Nedarim 58b; see more in Background to Nedarim 58:12)

10)[line 36]çáéøå ëáù îùîòCHAVEIRO KEVESH MASHMA- "its friend" means the other lamb

11)[line 43]äå÷áòå áùçéèä ëìçîé úåãäHUKBE'U B'SHECHITAH K'LACHMEI TODAH- the Nesachim became established as connected to the offering through the slaughter of that offering, just as the loaves of a Korban Todah become connected to it through the slaughter of the animal (see Background to Menachos 14:9)