[15a - 51 lines; 15b - 47 lines]
1)[line 4]ãäöéõ îøöä òì äòåìéïDEHA'TZITZ MERATZEH AL HA'OLIN- the Tzitz effects acceptance for those parts of the offerings that go up on the Mizbe'ach
2)[line 5]ùðéäí éòùå áèåîàäSHENEIHEM YE'ASU B'TUM'AH- [if one of the spoons became Tamei, still] both of them may be offered on the Mizbe'ach in a state of Tum'ah
3)[line 6]ìôé ùàéï ÷øáï öéáåø çìå÷LEFI SHE'EIN KORBAN TZIBUR CHALUK- because a communal offering is not divided; i.e. communal offerings that become Tamei may be offered even l'Chatchilah, because Tum'ah is pushed aside for the sake of the Tzibur
4)[line 18]ìîåã òøåêLIMUD ARUCH- a clearly set-out teaching
5)[line 36]ìçí âìì úåãä åàéï úåãä âìì ãìçíLECHEM GELAL TODAH V'EIN TODAH GELAL D'LECHEM- the loaves of bread are brought on account of (and are therefore secondary to) the Korban Todah, and the Todah is not brought on account of the bread; i.e. the animal is the main component of a Todah offering, while the breads are secondary, as seen from the fact that the Shechitah of the animal is what sanctifies the bread
6)[line 39]ãìà äåæ÷÷å æä ìæä áúðåôäD'LO HUZKEKU ZEH LA'ZEH BI'SENUFAH- [when one has an intent of Pigul with regard to the loaves of a Korban Todah, the Todah does not become disqualified as Pigul] because the Todah and its loaves did not become connected to each other through waving
7)[line 1]ñîãøSEMADAR- an early stage of unripe grape
8)[line 5]÷ðáåñKANVUS- (O.F. chenevaz, from the Greek cannabis) hemp
9)[line 6]åìåóV'LUF- (a) a type of onion, similar to colocasia (such as elephant's ear cabbage), with edible leaves and roots; (b) (O.F. lupine) a type of lupine or bean plant (MEFARESH to Nedarim 58b; see more in Background to Nedarim 58:12)
10)[line 36]çáéøå ëáù îùîòCHAVEIRO KEVESH MASHMA- "its friend" means the other lamb
11)[line 43]äå÷áòå áùçéèä ëìçîé úåãäHUKBE'U B'SHECHITAH K'LACHMEI TODAH- the Nesachim became established as connected to the offering through the slaughter of that offering, just as the loaves of a Korban Todah become connected to it through the slaughter of the animal (see Background to Menachos 14:9)