TOSFOS DH Ela Le'asuyei Chayah
úåñôåú ã"ä àìà ìàúåéé çéä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos prefers a text that says oppositely.)
ëê âøñ ä÷åðèøñ
Version #1: This is Rashi's text.
å÷ùä ãîàé ÷ôøéê î''ù èîàä ëå' àãøáä îùåí ããîé ìèîàä àéöèøéê ÷øà ìàúåéé
Question #1: What was the question "why is this different than Tamei? Just the contrary, because it resembles Tamei, we need a verse to include it!"
åîàé ôøéê ðîé åàëì ìà úàëìåäå àãøáä îùåí äëé àéöèøéê ÷øà èøéôä ãîùîò ëì ùéù áîéðå èøéôä çìáä èäåø åàôé' çéä
Question #2: What was the question "v'Achol Lo Sochluhu"? Just the contrary, due to this we need the verse of Tereifah, which connotes that anything that has Tereifah in its species, its Chelev is Tahor, and even a Chayah!
åø''ú âøñ àìà ìîòåèé çéä îàé èòîà îé ùçìáä àñåø åëå' åì''â ñã''à
Version #2: R. Tam's text says "rather, it excludes a Chayah. What is the reason? [The verse refers to] one whose Chelev is forbidden [and its meat is permitted]." The text does not say "one might have thought..."
åôøéê àîàé àéöèøéê ÷øà ìåîø ãçìá çéä èîà îàé ùðà èîàä ëå'
[The Gemara] asks why we need a verse to teach that Chelev of a Chayah is Tamei. Why is it different than a Tamei...?
åîéäå ÷ùä ãèøéôä ìà îùîò ìîòåèé àìà ìøáåéé ëì ùéù áîéðä èøéôä
Question: "Tereifah" does not connote to exclude, rather, to include anything that has Tereifah in its species!
TOSFOS DH Mah Temei'ah Chelbah Tamei
úåñôåú ã"ä îä èîàä çìáä èîà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos questions this, and defends it.)
åëé úéîà îä ìèîàä ùëï àéï ùçéèúä îèäøúä úàîø ìèøéôä
Implied question: Shechitah is not Metaher a Tamei. You cannot learn from it to a Tereifah (which Shechitah is Metaher)!
çéä úåëéç
Answer: Chayah is Yochi'ach. (Shechitah is Metaher it, and its Chelev is Tamei.)
TOSFOS DH Yavo Isur Neveilah v'Yachol Al Isur Chelev
úåñôåú ã"ä éáà àéñåø ðáéìä åéçåì òì àéñåø çìá
(SUMMARY: Tosfos asks why a verse is needed according to one opinion.)
úéîä ìîàï ãàéú ìéä àéñåø îåñéó ìîä ìéä ÷øàé
Question: According to the opinion that holds that [Isur Chal Al Isur for] Isur Mosif (e.g. initially only the Chelev was forbidden. Now, Neveilah forbids the entire animal), why do we need a verse? (R. Akiva Eiger asks that this is Isur Kolel! Perhaps Tosfos means that Neveilah is Mosif because it forbids the Chelev even to the Mizbe'ach. Mar'eh Kohen says that sometimes the Gemara says "Mosif", and really it is Kolel, and so does our Tosfos. Taharas ha'Kodesh suggests that there is a printing error, and the text should say "Kolel".)
åëé úéîà îäëà éìéó áòìîà
He learns from here to elsewhere [that Isur Mosif is Chal Al Isur].
ùàðé äëà ãàéñåø çìá ÷ì äåà ãäåúø îëììå åìëê àúé àéñåø ðáéìä åçééì òìéä
Rejection: Here is different, for the Isur Chelev is lenient. It is totally permitted [in a Chayah]. Therefore the Isur of Neveilah takes effect on it!
TOSFOS DH v'Iy Ashma'inan Tereifah Mishum d'Isura me'Chayim v'Chulei
úåñôåú ã"ä åàé àùîòéðï èøéôä îùåí ãàéñåøà îçééí ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos asks that in Chulin, we say oppositely!)
úéîä ãáô''á ãçåìéï (ãó ìæ:) òáéã ÷''å àéôëà åîä îçééí àúé àéñåø èøéôä åçééì ààéñåø çìá ðáéìä ãìàçø îéúä îáòéà åùí ôéøùúé
Question: In Chulin (37b) it makes a Kal v'Chomer oppositely! In its lifetime, the Isur Tereifah takes effect on the Isur Chelev. Neveilah, which is after death, all the more so! I explained there (DH u'Mah. The Gemara thought that the Isur Neveilah begins while it is alive and dangerously sick. Tereifah is not Metamei, and it takes effect on the Isur Chelev. Neveilah, which is Metamei after death, all the more so it takes effect on the Isur Chelev! Our Sugya is like the conclusion there, that Neveilah takes effect only after death. In this way Tereifah is more stringent, so there is no Kal v'Chomer.)
TOSFOS DH v'Chad Lemi'utei Ohf Tamei
úåñôåú ã"ä åçã ìîòåèé òåó èîà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why R. Meir does not learn like R. Yehudah.)
äà ãìà ðô÷à ìéä ìøáé îàéø îäéëà ãðô÷à ìéä ìøáé éäåãä
Implied question: Why doesn't R. Meir learn from R. Yehudah's source?
îùåí ãø' îàéø ìèòîéä ãàéú ìéä àéñåø çì òì àéñåø
Answer: R. Meir holds also elsewhere that Isur Chal Al Isur.
TOSFOS DH v'R. Meir Hai Neveilah Mai Avid Lei
úåñôåú ã"ä åøáé îàéø äàé ðáéìä îàé òáéã ìéä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the question.)
åà''ú òì ëøçéê öøéê ìëúåá ðáéìä ãàé äåä ëúéá èøéôä ìà éàëì ìèîàä áä åìà ëúá ðáéìä àí ëï äåä àîéðà ãèøéôä áìà ðáéìä îèîàä
Question: You are forced to say that the Torah needed to write Neveilah, for had it written [only] "Tereifah Lo Yochal Letam'ah Bah", and not written Neveilah, one might have thought that Tereifah without Neveilah is Metamei!
åé''ì ëéåï ãëúéá (åé÷øà éæ) (åäðôù) [åëì ðôù] àùø úàëì ðáéìä åèøéôä îä äúí ðáéìä òîä àó ëàï ðáéìä òîä
Answer: Since it is written "v'Chol Nefesh Asher Tochal Neveilah u'Tereifah", just like there Neveilah is with [Tereifah], also here Neveilah is with it (it is Metamei only if it is Neveilah).
TOSFOS DH l'Shi'ur Achilah bik'Zayis
úåñôåú ã"ä ìùéòåø àëéìä áëæéú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that R. Yehudah could agree with this.)
àéôùø ãøáé éäåãä ðîé àéú ìéä åàò''â ãìà îéåúø
Remark: It is possible that also R. Yehudah holds like [this Drashah], even though [the verse] is not extra.
TOSFOS DH Yatz'esah Chayah she'Chelbah u'Besarah Mutar (pertains to Amud B)
úåñôåú ã"ä éöúä çéä ùçìáä åáùøä îåúø (ùééê ìòîåã á)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we did not learn from here in Chulin.)
äà ããçé÷ áôø÷ áäîä äî÷ùä (çåìéï ãó ò:) ìàùëåçé ãðáìú çéä èäåøä îèîàä åìà îöé ìîéãøù îäëà ãäà çìáä èîà
Implied question: Why does the Gemara in Chulin (70b) struggle to find that the Neveilah of a Kosher species of Chayah is Tamei? Why couldn't it expound from here, that its Chelev is Tamei? (The verse was Metaher only Chelev of Behemos. Surely, Chelev of a dead Chayah is Tamei due to Tum'as Neveilah!)
ãàé ìàå ãàùëçï áî÷åí àçø ãðáìú çéä îèîàä ìà äåä ãøùé' äëé:
Answer: Had we not found elsewhere that the Neveilah of a Chayah is Metamei, we would not expound so [here].
TOSFOS DH v'Afilu b'Avazin v'Tarnegolin
úåñôåú ã"ä åàôéìå áàååæéï åúøðâåìéï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos supports this from a Mishnah.)
åîúðé' ãîñëú èäøåú (ô''à î''à) îåëçà ÷öú ã÷úðé é''â ãáøéí ðàîøå áðáìú òåó èäåø å÷úðé ñéôà ø''î àåîø îìé÷úä åùçéèúä îèäøúä
Support: The Mishnah in Taharos (1:1) proves like this somewhat. It teaches that 13 laws were said about Nivlas Of Tahor, and the Seifa teaches "R. Meir says, Melikah or Shechitah [of a Tereifah Nivlas Of Tahor] is Metaher it";
îùîò áëì òåôåú ãåîéà ãøéùà åãåîéà ãùçéèä
Inference: [The Seifa] refers to all birds, just like the Reisha (the laws of Nivlas Of Tahor).
TOSFOS DH Aval R. Eliezer Lav Minah d'Eglah Ninhu
úåñôåú ã"ä àáì òæ ìàå îéðà ãòâìä ðéðäå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we do not say correspondingly regarding birds.)
àò''ô ãàååæéï åúøðâåìéï ìàå îéðà ãúåøéí åáðé éåðä åîèäøéï
Implied question: Geese and chickens are not the species of Turim and Bnei Yonah (to which Melikah applies), yet [Melikah] is Metaher them!
ìà ãîé ãäëà òâìä áäîä âñä åòæ áäîä ã÷ä àáì áòåôåú ìà ùééê ìîéîø îéï âñä åã÷ä àò''â ãîöéðå áìùåï îùðä òåó äã÷ åòåó äâñ áôø÷ àìå èøéôåú (çåìéï îá.)
Answer: That is unlike here. A calf is a big animal (cattle are used for work), and a goat is a small animal, but big and small do not apply to birds (none are used for work), even though we find in a Mishnah (Chulin 42a) "a small bird" and "a big bird."
(å÷ùä îùéìäé àåúå åàú áðå ùí ãó ôá - ùéèä î÷åáöú, ç÷ ðúï îåç÷å)
TOSFOS DH Kol ha'Zevachim she'Nis'arvu b'Chata'os ha'Mesos...
úåñôåú ã"ä ëì äæáçéí ùðúòøáå áçèàåú äîúåú ëå'
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we need a similar Mishnah about birds.)
åàí úàîø úðéðà çãà æéîðà áîñ' ÷éðéï (ô''á î''â) åàí ôøç îáéï äîúåú ìëåìí äøé ëåìí éîåúå
Question: Another Mishnah teaches this, in Kinim (2:3)! If a bird from [a group of] Chata'os ha'Mesos flew to any [collection of birds, and it is not known which is the Chatas ha'Mesah, all of them must die!
åöøéê ìòùåú öøéëåúà ãáâîøà ôøéê úðéðà çãà æéîðà áîúðé' ãëì äàñåøéí ìâáé îæáç åîùðé öøéëà
We must make a Tzerichusa (reason why both are needed) for in the Gemara it asks "this was taught already in our Mishnah of everything forbidden to the Mizbe'ach", and answers that both are needed.
åùîà àé îäúí äåä àîéðà ä''î òåôåú ãäôñã îåòè àáì æáçéí ãäôñéãï îøåáä àéîà ìà ðôñãéðäå ìëåìäå
Answer: Perhaps if we had only that Mishnah, one might have thought that birds, which are a small loss [we are stringent about them], but Zevachim, which are a great loss, we do not lose (condemn to die) all of them.
TOSFOS DH Afilu Achas b'Ribo Yamusu Kulan
úåñôåú ã"ä àôéìå àçú áøéáåà éîåúå ëåìï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses when a mixture gets the law of the majority.)
ä÷ùä ä''ø éöç÷ áøáé îøãëé ãáôø÷ äðùøôéï (ñðäãøéï ãó òè:) úðï øåöç ùðúòøá áàçøéí ëåìï ôèåøéï
Question (Rivam): In Sanhedrin (79b), a Mishnah teaches that if a murder became mixed with others, all of them are exempt;
ø' éäåãä àåîø ëåðñéï àåúï ìëéôä
R. Yehudah says, we enter them into Kipah (a cell. They die there by themselves);
åîôøù áâîøà áùåø ùìà ðâîø ãéðå ùðúòøá áùåøéí àçøéí ùðâîø ãéðï ÷îéôìâé åôèøé øáðï îùåí ãàéï âåîøéí ãéðå ùì ùåø àìà áôðéå
The Gemara explains that they argue about an ox that did not have a final verdict that became mixed with other oxen that had a final verdict. Rabanan exempt, because we make a final verdict on an ox only in front of it.
åäùúà äëà ãøåáà ãäéúéøà åôñéãà ã÷ãùéí àîøéðï éîåúå ëåìï äúí ãøåáà ãàéñåøà åäãéåè ìà ë''ù
Summation of question: Here, most are permitted, and there is a loss of Kodshim, and we say that all of them must die. There, most are forbidden, and it is [a loss to a] person, all the more so [we should say that all must die]!
åðøàä ìøáéðå éöç÷ ãâøñéðï ëîå ùîöà áñôø àçã éùï áùåø ùìà ðâîø ãéðå ùðúòøá áùåøéí àçøéí åì''â ùðâîø ãéðï àìà (àééøé) áùåøéí îòìéà òñ÷éðï
Answer #1 (Ri): The text says like is found in one old Sefer. An ox that did not have a final verdict became mixed with other oxen. The text does not say that they had a final verdict. Rather, we discuss proper oxen [that never killed].
åäùéá ìå ø''ú ãîúðéúéï ã÷úðé ëåìï ôèåøéí îùîò ùäàçøéí áðé çéåáà
Objection #1 (R. Tam): Our Mishnah taught "all of them are exempt." This connotes that the others were liable (just we may not kill them)!
åàò''â ãáøéùà ãùîòúéï àîøéðï îàé àçøéí àéìéîà àçøéí ëùéøéï ôùéèà åìà ôøéê ôèåøéí ôèåø îéáòé ìéä
Implied question: At the beginning of our Sugya, we say "what are 'others'? If they are Kesherim, this is obvious!" It does not ask "why does it say they are exempt? It should say it is exempt!" (This shows that it is fine to teach "all are exempt" even if only one should have been liable.)
äúí ëéåï ãîöé ìîéôøê îâåôä ìà çù ìîéã÷
Answer: There, since we can ask from the law itself, [the Makshan] was not particular to infer [and challenge the inference].
åòåã ãøéù ì÷éù àãøáé àáäå ÷àé ãîùðé äëà áøåöç ùìà ðâîø ãéðå ùðúòøá áøåöçéí àçøéí òñ÷éðï
Objection #2: Reish Lakish refers to R. Avahu, who answered "here we discuss a murderer who did not have a final verdict that became mixed with other murderers";
åòìä ÷àé ø''ì åîùðé áàãí ë''ò ìà ôìéâé ãôèéøé
Reish Lakish refers to this, and answers that regarding a person, all agree that he is exempt!
àìà äëà áùåø ùìà ðâîø ãéðå ëå'
Answer #2: Rather, we discuss an ox that did not have a final verdict...
åîùîò ãáääåà òðééðà ãàå÷îä øáé àáäå áàãí îå÷é ìä øéù ì÷éù áùåø ùðâîø ãéðå
Inference: The same way that R. Avahu established it regarding a person, Reish Lakish established it regarding an ox that had a final verdict;
àáì ðúòøá áùåøéí îòìéà äéä àåîø ø''ì ðéëáùéðäå ãðééãï åëì ãôøéù îøåáà ôøéù
However, if it became mixed with proper oxen, Reish Lakish would say that we should force them to go away, and each that separates is (assumed to be) from the majority.
åîúðéúéï ãùéìäé îñëú ò''æ (ãó òã.) ãùåø äðñ÷ì àåñø áëì ùäåà
Implied question: A Mishnah in Avodah Zarah (74a) says that Shor ha'Niskal forbids a mixture of any amount!
îééøé áùðñ÷ì ãìéëà ìîéîø ðéëáùéðäå
Answer: It discusses when it was stoned, so we cannot say "let us force them to go away."
åúãò ãìà ÷úðé ùðâîø ãéðå
Proof: It did not teach that it had a final verdict.
åîúðé' ãäëà ã÷úðé éîåúå ëåìï áðúòøá áæáçéí îééøé åìâáåä åâæéøä ùîà éáåàå é' ëäðéí ááú à' (ì÷îï ãó òâ:) åîñ÷é îï ä÷áåò ìîæáç
Answer #2 (cont.): Our Mishnah here, which taught that all of them die, discusses when it became mixed with Zevachim, and for [offering to] Hash-m. This is a decree, lest 10 Kohanim come at once (and each will take an animal that separated, and offer it, and these 10 will be the majority, so presumably the forbidden animal is among them, and it is as if) they bring from the Kavu'a (what did not separate) on the Mizbe'ach.
àáì áòìîà àîøéðï ðéëáùéðäå ãðééãï
However, normally we say that we force them to go away, so they wander [from their Kevi'us].
åîèòí æä äéä àåîø øáéðå úí ãðøàä ìå ìäúéø ãøåñú äæàá áøåá
Consequence: R. Tam derived that we may permit an animal Nidras (clawed) by a wolf (if it became mixed) in a majority (even though the Nidras is Tereifah due to poison in the wolf's claws);
ãîòùéí áëì éåí ãæàáéí èåøôéí åðåùàéï ùä îï äòãø åøåòä îöéìï åùøéà ìäå ãàò''â ãáòìé çééí çùéáé
Cases regularly occur in which wolves are Toref and carry a Seh from the herd and a shepherd saves them and [the entire herd] is permitted, even though living animals are important [and are not Batel - below, 73a].
åëï øåá òåôåú ãåøñéï àååæéï åúøðâåìéï åîåúøéï
And similarly, many birds are Dores geese and chickens, and they are permitted (even though presumably, some of them were Nidras).
åäúí (äâäú öàï ÷ãùéí) ãðúòøá áøåáà ùðâîø ãéðï ãôèøéðäå àôéìå ðééãé åìà àîøéðï ëì ãôøéù îøåáà ôøéù
Answer #2 (cont.): There (in Sanhedrin 79b, an ox that did not have a final verdict) became mixed with in a majority that had a final verdict. [Rabanan] exempt even if they wander, and we do not say that each that separates is from the majority...
ìàå ôèåøéï ãìéùúøå áäðàä ÷àîø àìà ôèåøéï ãìà àèøçå áé ãéðà ìäåøâí ãëîéúú áòìéí ëê îéúú äùåø
It does not say that they are exempt and one may benefit from them. Rather, they are exempt that Beis Din does not toil to kill them, for an ox is killed like (with the same conditions according to which) the owner (i.e. a person) is killed (Sanhedrin 79b).
åòåã ãìà ìéúé ìàçìåôé áàãí (îëàï îãó äáà) ãàãí ëåìé òìîà ìà ôìéâé ãôèéøé
Also, [Beis Din does not kill them] lest the law be confused with that of people (and they kill people in such a case). All agree that people are exempt!