
WHEN ARE LEKET, PERET AND OLELOS PERMITTED? (Yerushalmi Peah Perek 8 Halachah 1 Daf 35a)

îùðä îàéîúé ëì àãí îåúøéï áì÷è îùéìëå äðîåùåú áôøè åáòåììåú îùéìëå äòðééí áëøí åéáåàå åáæéúéí îùúøã øáéòä ùðééä


(Mishnah): When may any person take Leket? After the 'Nemushos' have passed through. When may any person take Peret and Olelos? After the poor have been through the vineyard and returned and gone through it again. And for olives, when the second rains fall.

à"ø éäåãà åäìà éù ùàéï îåñ÷éï æéúéäí àìà ìàçø øáéòä ùðééä àìà ëãé ùéäà äòðé éåöà åìà éäà îáéà àìà áàøáòä àéñøåú:


(R. Yehuda): But some people do not harvest their grapes until after the second rains? Rather, it is after the poor man goes out and can only bring back with him four Issars (which is four meals amount of grain; as the rest of it has already been taken by others).

[ãó ñç òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] âîøà àîø øáé éåçðï ìîä ð÷øà ùîï ðîåùåú ùäï áàåú áñåó


(Gemara) (R. Yochanan): Why are they called Nemushos? Because they come at the end.

àáà ùàåì äéä ÷åøà àåúï îùåùåú àéú úðéé úðé ðîåùåú åàéú úðéé úðé îùåùåú îàï ãàîø ðîåùåú ùäï áàéï áñåó åî"ã îùåùåú ùäï îîùîùéí åáàéï


Abba Shaul would call them Meshoshos (because they are elderly people who totter along on their sticks, feeling their way to the field). Some would teach the word 'Nemushos' and some would teach 'Meshoshos', each for the reasons mentioned.

øáé çåðà áùí îðçí øáé éåçðï áï ðåøé äéä éåöà òí äðîåùåú åîáéà ôøðñúå ùì ëì äùðä


(R. Chuna citing Menachem): R. Yochanan ben Nuri would go out with the Nemushos and would have sustenance for the entire year.

úðé îúðåú òðééí ùáùãä ùàéï òðééí î÷ôéãé' òìéäí äøé äï ùì áò"ä


Baraisa: Gifts to the poor in the field that the poor are not particular about (so they are not pursuing them) belong to the owner.

øáé áåï áø çééà áòé åéù àãí ÷åøà ùí ôéàä ìòöîå


Question (R. Bun bar Chiya): Can a person declare Peah to then take for himself and be exempt from Maaseros?

úðé ø"ù á"é ìòðé åìâø úòæåá àåúí åìà ìòåøáéí åìòèìôéí:


Answer (Baraisa - R. Shimon bar Yochai): The pasuk says "...leave them for the poor and the stranger" - but not for the ravens and the bats. He is not required to leave them for birds and since there are no poor people gathering, he may keep it for himself.

áôøè åáòåììåú ëå' åìà úðéðï ðîåùåú


Question: Why does the Mishnah not mention Nemushos concerning Peret and Olelos?

ò"é ùäï çáéáéï äï áàéï òì àúø


Answer: Because grapes are so valued, they come immediately, without delay.

åáæéúéí îùúøã øáéòä ùðé' åìà úðéðï ðîåùåú


Question: Why aren't the Nemushos mentioned about olives, where only the fall of the second rains are mentioned?

îôðé ùäï éîé öðä åàéï éåöàéï àìà áçåøéí:


Answer: At that time (Cheshvan) it's already cold and the elderly do not go out.

å÷åãí ìëï àéðå àñåø îùåí âæì


Question: (R. Yehuda said that in the olive grove, it is when the men go out and then come back.) But if he didn't start harvesting until after the second rains, aren't the poor stealing at that point?

áùéèúï äùéáï ìà àúí ùàúí àåîøéí îôðé ùäåà öéðä àéï éåöàéï àìà áçåøéí îúåê ùäåà éåãò ùàéðå îáéà ôøðñúå àó äåà àéðå éåöà:


Answer: R. Yehuda was responding to the Chachamim according to their reasoning - (I say that whenever he starts harvesting, once the poor have gone out and come back, anyone may take) but according to you, that you say that since it's cold, the elderly don't go out - but since it is late in the year, even the young do not go out as there isn't enough left in the field.