DECLARING PARTS AS TERUMOS MAASER OR MAASER SHENI (Yerushalmi Demai Perek 1 Halachah 3 Daf 5a)
øáé áåï áø çééà áòé ÷åîé ø' æòéøà òã ëãåï áëñó îòùø ùì ãîàé àôéìå áåãàé
Question (R. Bun bar Chiya to R. Zeira): (The Mishnah taught that produce bought with Maaser Sheni money is exempt from Demai.) Does this also refer to Maaser Sheni of Demai or only Maaser Sheni that was separated from certain Tevel)? (This question remains unanswered.)
úðé åëåìï ù÷øà ùí ìúøåîú îòùø àå ìîòùø ùðé ùìäï îä ùòùä òùåé.
The Baraisa earlier (Zevachim daf 83(v)) taught that in all the cases of the Mishnah, if parts of them were declared Terumas Maaser or Maaser Sheni, it is valid.
øáé àìòæø àîø çåõ îùéøé îðçåú øáé éøîé' àîø äùàø áîçìå÷ú:
(R. Elazar): 'In all cases' does not include remnants of Menachos (since the Kohen receives them from the 'Shulchan Gavoah' - from Hash-m's table, he cannot declare them Terumah); R. Yirmiyah said that all of the other cases are actually in the dispute (between R. Meir and R. Yehuda over the status of an item bought with Maaser Sheni money - whether it is from Shulchan Gavoah (R''M) or whether it is considered to be owned by man (R''Y)).
øáé éåñé áòé äééãå îçìå÷ú îä ðï ÷ééîéï àéï ëø''î äéà îòùø äéà ùéøé îðçåú ìà òùä åìà ëìåí ëøáé éäåãà îä ùòùä òùåé:
Question (R. Yosi): Which dispute is R. Yirmiyah referring to? Whose opinion are we following? If it's R. Meir, whether it's Maaser Sheni or remnants of Menachos, declaring them Terumah achieves nothing! And according to R. Yehuda, even for Maaser Sheni it's considered to be his own money...?
[ãó éà òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àîø ø' îðà àæìéú ì÷ñøéï åùîòéú øáé çæ÷éä éúéá åîúðé äî÷ãù áçì÷å á÷ãùé ÷ãùéí àå á÷ãùéí ÷ìéí àéðä î÷åãùú øáé àìòæø àåîø ã''ä øáé éåçðï àîø áîçìå÷ú
(R. Mana): I went to Kisarin and heard R. Chizkiyah sitting and teaching - "a Kohen who betrothed a woman using his portion of a Kodshei Kodoshim or a person who used a Kodshim Kalim sacrifice, she is not betrothed (because it is considered belonging to Gavoah). R. Elazar said that this law is according to all opinions. R. Yochanan said that it depends on the dispute (about Maaser Sheni between R. Yehuda and R. Meir).''
åàîøéú ìé' îàï ùîò ø' äãà îéìúà åàîø ìé îï øáé éøîéä åàîøéú éàåú øáé éøîéä ãäåà ùîò äãà ãø''à ã''ä äåà ãàîø áîçìå÷ú
And I (R. Mana) said to R. Chizkiyah - From whom did you hear this teaching? He replied that it was from R. Yirmiyah. I said that this is correct, because R. Yirmiyah himself, having heard R. Elazar (above (c)), said that all of the other cases are a dispute.
øáé éåñé ãìà ùîéò ìé' öøéëä ìéä äåà ãàîø äééãä îçìå÷ú àéï ëø''î äéà îòùø ùðé äéà ùéøé îðçåú ìà òùä åìà ëìåí àéï ëøáé éäåãà îä ùòùä òùåé:
But R. Yosi, who had not heard who had disagreed, he asked (above (d)) as to which dispute R. Yirmiyah was referring and according to whose opinion - whether it was R. Meir or R. Yehuda etc.
úðé àîø øáé éåãä ìà ôèøå áéú äìì àìà ùîï ùì ôìééèåï áìáã àçøéí àåîøéí áùí øáé ðúï îçééáéï äéå á''ä áùîï ååøã ååéøãéðåï:
Baraisa (R. Yehuda): Beis Hillel only exempted Plaiton (Aparsimon) oil (since it is for smelling rather than for consumption). Others say from R. Nasan that Beis Hillel obligated rose oil, meaning oils of various roses and perfumes (since they are used for anointing).