PLANTING ABOVE THE VINE (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 7 Halachah 2 Daf 32b)
øáé ùîåàì áùí øáé æòéøà òì âáé æîåøä äéà îúðéúà.
(R. Shmuel citing R. Zeira): (The Mishnah taught from R. Elazar bar R. Tzadok citing R. Meir that he also shouldn't plant above the vine, but it doesn't prohibit.) The Mishnah was referring to when there aren't 3 Tefachim of earth on top of the branch that had been inserted.
øáé áåï áø çééà áùí øáé ùîåàì áø øá éöç÷ ìàåéø òùøä äéà îúðéúà.
(R. Bun bar Chiya citing R. Shmuel bar Rav Yitzchak): When the Mishnah taught 'above the vine', it meant in the airspace within 10 Tefachim of it.
àîø øáé éåñé äåéðï ñáøéï ëøí éù ìå àåéø âôï éçéãéú àéï ìä àåéø. îï îä ãàîø øáé áåï áø çééà áùí ø' ùîåàì áø øá éöç÷ ìàåéø òùøä äéà îúðéúà. äãà àîøä àôé' âôï éçéãéú éù ìä àåéø:
(R. Yosi): Originally, we thought that a vineyard prohibits the airspace above it, but a single vine does not. But once R. Bun bar Chiya cited from R. Shmuel bar Yitzchak that the Mishnah's phrase of 'above the vine' means the 10 Tefach airspace above it, it must also apply to a single vine.
îåúø îçåì äëøí àøáò àîåú. îåúø çåøáï äëøí àøáò àîåú. îåúø ôéñ÷é òøéñ ùùä èôçéí. îåúø àôéôéøåú ùùä èôçéí.
(The Mishnah taught - In the following cases it is prohibited but it doesn't prohibit - in the added distance required for a Karachas (patch) in order to be able to plant; in the added distance of a Mechol HaKerem; in the added distance of an Aris and in the added distance of an Apifeiros.) The added distance of a Mechol HaKerem is 4 Amos; of a Karachas HaKerem is 4 Amos; of Piskei Aris is 6 Tefachim and of Apifeiros is 6 Tefachim.
áðúééí îäå.
Question: What is the law for seeds planted between the vines of an Aris and a fence?
øáé éåçðï àîø àñåø åî÷ãù
(R. Yochanan): It is prohibited and it prohibits.
øáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù àîø àñåø åàéðå î÷ãù
(R. Shimon ben Lakish): It is prohibited but it doesn't prohibit.
îä ðôùê [ãó ñâ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ëøí âãåì äåà ìîä ìé çåøáðå àôéìå îèòúå ëøí ÷èï äåà àéï ìå îçåì.
Either way - if it's a large vineyard of 3 by 3 rows, why discuss when vines were removed - even if it originally was planted that way, the same rule would apply? And if it's a small vineyard of only 2 by 2 rows, it doesn't have a Mechol?
àìà ëé ðï ÷ééîéï áëøí âãåì ùðèòå òì îèò ëøí ÷èï.
Rather, it's a large vineyard planted in the arrangement of a small one (with the space between the rows being less than 8 Amos).
àîø øáé æòéøà [ãó ìâ òîåã à] äãà àîøä ëøí âãåì ùðèòå ùîðä òì ùîðä àéï ìå îçåì. àéï úéîø îèò ùù òùøä òì ùù òùøä [ãó ñâ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] úåëå àñåø åî÷ãù çåöä ìå ìà ëì ùëï.
(R. Zeira): The Mishnah shows that a large vineyard planted with spaces of 8 Amos between the rows does not have a Mechol. If you say that the rows are planted with spaces of 16 Amos, if inside it is prohibited and prohibits, certainly outside it would be the same?
àîø øáé éåñé àéï ìå÷éï àìà òì òé÷ø äëøí:
(R. Yosi): (Even though there are several cases that are prohibited) one only incurs lashes for planting within the vineyard.