BUYING FROM AN AM HA'ARETZ BAKER (Yerushalmi Demai Perek 5 Halachah 1 Daf 19b)
îùðä äìå÷ç îï äðçúåí ëéöã îòùø ðåèì ëãé úøåîú îòùø åçìä åàåîø àçã îîàä ùéù ëàï äøé æä áöã æä îòùø åùàø îòùø ñîåê ìå æä ùòùéúé îòùø òùåé úøåîú îòùø òìéå åäùàø çìä åîòùø ùðé áöôåðä àå áãøåîä åîçåìì òì äîòåú:
(Mishnah): One who buys from an Am HaAretz baker is obligated to separate Maaser and Challah - how should he tithe? He takes from the bread an amount for Terumas Maaser (1/100th) and for Challah (1/48th) and he says, "1/100th of what there is here should be Maaser on this side and that (9/100th) which is nearest to it should be the rest of the Maaser Rishon; that which I tithed (1/100th) should be Terumas Maaser (for all of it) and the rest (of what I tithed) should be Challah and that which is on its northern or southern side should be Maaser Sheni which is redeemed onto the money.
âîøà àó òì äçìä [ãó î òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åçìä çééáú áãîàé åìà ëï úðéðï çìú òí äàøõ åäîãåîò ôèåøéï îï äãîàé
(Gemara) Question: Does he tithe even from the part that will become Challah? Is Challah obligated in Demai? Didn't the Mishnah teach earlier (Perek 1 Mishnah 3), "The Challah of an Am HaAretz and Meduma are exempt from Demai"?
øáé àçà øáé áåï áø çééà áùí øáé éåñé áï çðéðà ãáéú ùîàé äéà åúðé ëï ø' ùîòåï áï éäåãà àåîø îùåí øáé ùîòåï çìä áéú ùîàé îçééáéï åáéú äìì ôåèøéï
Answer (R. Acha/ R. Bun bar Chiya citing R. Yosi ben Chanina): Our Mishnah follows the view of Beis Shammai (who obligates Challah in Demai) as the Baraisa taught - R. Shimon ben Yehuda cited from R. Shimon - Challah of Demai - Beis Shammai obligate and Beis Hillel exempt.
ëìåí àîøå á"ù àìà ãáø ùäåà (ìæøéòä)[ìàëéìä] àéìå äìå÷ç ìæøò åìáäîä ÷îç ìòåøåú ùîï ìðø ùîà àéðå ôèåø îãîàé
Question: Didn't Beis Shammai obligate it only for something that is for consumption, but as for one who buys to plant, to feed his animals, to make flour for tanning hides or for candle oil, don't they agree that he would be exempt?
àìà áîâáì òéñúå áîé ôéøåú
Answer: It's when the baker kneaded the dough with fruit juice (so that the dough would not contract Tumah. Therefore, he can also be assumed to have tithed.)
[ãó î òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ìà ëï àîø øáé éåñé áé øáé çðéðà ãøáé àìéòæø áï éäåãä àéù áøúåúà äåà äà ëøáðéï ìà
Question: Didn't R. Yosi bei R. Chanina say that the law of fruit juice was said by R. Eliezer ben Yehuda, man of Bartusa...but the Mishnah cannot be according to Rabbanan as they say that dough made with fruit juice is not obligated in Challah?
àìà [ìà] ëøáé éåçðï ãøáé éåçðï àîø ëàï áòåùä áèäøä åëàï áòåùä áèåîàä
Answer: We cannot understand the Mishnah according to R. Yochanan who explained (in Perek 2 Halachah 4 - Zevachim 93 (d)-(e)) the seeming contradiction between the earlier Mishnah (the baker tithes) and our Mishnah (the buyer tithes), that the Mishnah there refers to a baker producing the dough in a state of Taharah; and our Mishnah refers to in a state of Tumah. (If so, why would our Mishnah require separating Demai even for the Challah, since it is Tameh and inedible. Isn't the Challah therefore only usable to feed his animals, which is exempt from Demai! See earlier Demai 1:3 - Zevachim 81-2(a))
[ãó ë òîåã à] àìà ëø"à ãø' àìéòæø àîø ëàï åëàï áòåùä áèäøä [ãó îà òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] (àìà áîúàøç àöìå)
Rather, it is according to the explanation of R. Eliezer (there), that even our Mishnah refers to one who produces it in Taharah. Our Mishnah can follow Beis Shammai, that if the Challah is for consumption, it is obligated in Demai.
ìà ëï úðé äðàîï òì äèäøåú ðàîï òì äîòùøåú (åúðéúä)
Question: If it is produced in Taharah, meaning by a Chaver, why should it be Demai, since he is trusted for Maaseros - didn't a Baraisa teach that whoever is trusted for Taharos is trusted for Maaseros?!
øáé éðàé áé øáé éùîòàì àîø äãà ãúéîø áîúàøç àöìå àáì áøáéí àéðå ðàîï òã ùé÷áìå òìéå áøáéí åëà áøáéí àðï ÷ééîéï
Answer (R. Yanai bei R. Yishmael): That's only true when one is a guest in his house, but when selling to the public, which is the case here, he is not trusted until he accepts it upon himself in public.
øáé àáéï øáé ùîàé áùí øáé àçà ùîò ìä îï ãáúøä äøåöä ìäôøéù úøåîä åúøåîú îòùø ëàçú åëîä ãúéîø úîï çåõ îï äøàåé ìé÷ãù ìùí úøåîä åäëà çåõ îï äøàåé ìé÷ãù ìùí çìä
Answer to (R. Avin/R. Shammai citing R. Acha): Learn from the next Mishnah (that there is no obligation of Demai on Challah) - 'If a person wishes to separate Terumah and Terumas Maaser at the same time...' - and just as the Mishnah does not require separating Maaser and Terumas Maaser on the Terumah, so too here, there is no obligation to separate Demai on Challah!