
Why does it say "va'Ya'an"?


Radak (12 1 ): This is screaming, like "va'Ya'an Iyov" (Iyov 3:1), "v'Anisa v'Aamrta" (Devarim 26:5) [and "va'Ta'an Lahem Miryam" (Shemos 15:21) - Malbim. This Sar feared to ascend; he stayed at the bottom of the mountain, and needed to speak loudly.


Why did Radak wait until verse 12 to explain so, regarding Eliyahu's response? (PF)


The first Sar said "ha'Melech Diber." Why did he say "Ko Amar ha'Melech"?


Malbim (9) Dibur refers to many words; Amirah is even for one word. The first Sar himself said "descend"; this was the gist of a long royal proclamation. The second time, the king said only "descend quickly."

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