
Above (verse 3), Eliyahu said "is there no Elokim in Yisrael?!" before "you go to ask Ba'al Zevuv", and he said them in his own name. Why did he now switch the order, and said them in the name of Hashem?


Malbim: Now he said first "you go to ask Ba'al Zevuv", for this is why he was punished. Had he said first "is there no Elokim in Yisrael?!", the king could say 'I did not know where the Navi is.' The first time he told the messengers that there was no need to seek Ba'al Zevuv, for Hashem's word comes to him 1 .


Malbim did not explain why now he said it in the name of Hashem. Perhaps he means that Hashem commanded him to say in this order. The first time he wanted to change the order, so he could not say 'Ko Amar Hashem.' (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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