
What is the meaning of "Mah Mishpat ha'Ish"?


Radak: What is his appearance?


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: What is his conduct?


Why did he ask about his appearance?


Malbim: He was astounded - since the Nevu'ah was for himself, why didn't the Navi say it directly to him? Usually a Navi does not make a Shali'ach to say his Nevu'ah! Perhaps he is not an established Navi, or he was wearing pauper's clothing, and was ashamed to come to the king's gate. He thought that the Navi transgressed his mission, and is Chayav Misah for belittling the king's honor.


Why wasn't Elisha, Eliyahu's Talmid, with him at the time?


Radak: Sometimes Eliyahu went to the mountains to be isolated in Nevu'ah.

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