
What is "[Asher Sham] ha'Ru'ach"?


Rashi: It is Hashem's desire. Radak - this is like I explained (12). Here it adds that the Ofanim have desire to go there.


Malbim: This explains "uv'Leches ha'Chayos Yelechu ha'Ofanim" (19). Where there is a Ru'ach fixed in nature to go, they go. The One who formed Ma'ase Bereishis made this an absolute law.


What do we learn from "Shamah ha'Ru'ach Laleches"?


Rashi: There is no need to tell them to go to this side, for Hashem's Ru'ach is in the Chayos, and the Chayos' Ru'ach is in the Ofanim.


Why does it say "Ru'ach ha'Chayah ba'Ofanim"?


Malbim: This explains "uv'Hinasei ha'Chayos? Yinas'u ha'Ofanim" (19). Ru'ach ha'Chayah is in the Ofanim, like a Neshamah in the body. Sometimes it elevates the body from its natural laws, to conduct of choice according to its authority to make the body move as it desires, chooses and understands.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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