
What is "b'Yom Amadcha mi'Neged"?


Rashi: You did not come to help [Yisrael].


Radak: Even though Titus and his camp, who destroyed Bayis Sheni, were Romiyim 1 , most of them were Bnei Edom and they still live in their land Edom. The kingship was not theirs, rather, of Romi. The Romiyim were over everyone, but the kings of Romi were Edomim. When Titus besieged Yerushalayim, Bnei Edom rejoiced at Yisrael's downfall and harmed them in their land. When they were able to hand over fugitives to Bnei Romi, they did. They stood opposite and rejoiced over their destruction. It was proper that they help them, for they are their brothers, and in the Midbar Hashem stopped Yisrael from passing through [Edom], lest they harm them, due to the brotherhood.


Malbim: Edom did not destroy Bayis Rishon; they stood opposite.


Mechon ha'Me'or edition changed the text to say so. Our text 'Edomiyim' does not make sense. Gitin 56b implies that Titus himself was from Edom; a Bas Kol called him a grandson (i.e. descendant) of Esav. (PF)


What is "b'Yom Shevos Zarim Cheilo"?


Radak: It is the day that strangers plundered his property and acquisitions. Shevos is Makor (like an infinitive), from the root Shavah.


Malbim: Nebuchadnetzar's army is called Zarim in contrast to Edom, who are called Nochrim. A Nochri is further [distanced] than a Zar, and is from another land. Romi is further [from Eretz Yisrael] than Bavel.


What is the meaning of "v'Nochrim Ba'u She'aro"?


Malbim: This is Churban Sheni, which was via the Romiyim (refer to 1:11:2:2).


Why does it say "v'Al Yerushalayim Yadu Goral"?


Radak: They made a lottery for dividing up the captives of Yerushalayim among the enemy troop leaders. Perhaps the root of Yadu is Yadad. Its form is like Rabu from Arbeh. Or, the root is Yadah, like "Leyados Es Karnos ha'Goyim" (Zecharyah 2:4). It should have two Yuds 1 ; the Yud of the root is omitted to make it easier to pronounce. The Patach that should have been under the Yud of the root is moved to the Yud of the conjugation.


Malbim: They made a lottery - who will destroy the Beis ha'Mikdash?


Just like "Yiyareh" (Shemos 19:13), from the root Yarah; the first Yud is due to the conjugation. (PF)


What is the meaning of "Gam Atah k'Echad Mehem"?


Rashi: I [charge] you as if you are among those who came against them.


Radak: The Edomiyim who came with the Kusim.


Malbim: Bnei Edom who entered the Jewish faith (converted) in the days of Hordus were transformed to enemies, and opposed Yisrael.

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