
Why does it say that there will be a remnant in Har Tziyon?


Radak: Even though many of Yisrael were eradicated in exile, a large remnant will remain in Har Tziyon, from which they were exiled.


Malbim: After several nations who destroyed the land are eradicated, and memory of them ceases, there will be a remnant in Har Tziyon, and Yisraelim who were cast off will gather there little by little.


Why does it say "v'Hayah Kodesh"?


Radak: Yisrael will be Kodesh to Hashem. There will not be Arelim or Temei'im among them.


What are "Morasheihem"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: The property of the nations that used to 'inherit' Yisrael (take over their property).


Radak: Yisrael will inherit (get back) what they initially inherited. Additionally, they will inherit their neighbors - the lands of Edom, Mo'av and Pelishtim.

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