
What is the meaning of "Yezabe'ach l'Chermo"?


Rashi: He will sacrifice to idolatry ? he says that it conquered everything in front of him. Radak #2 ? he sacrifices when he returns to his city with awesome spoils and captives.


Radak #1: He does not thank Hashem for this strength, rather, himself and his army. He says, I did with my strength.


Malbim: He thinks that he did everything with his strength. He is like a fisherman who thinks that the nets finance him, and attributes divinity to them and sacrifices to them. So [Nebuchadnetzar] attributes all this [success] to his strength and the star of his success, and sacrifices to them. The verse calls killing many nations 'Zivu'ach', and burning cities 'Haktarah'. He destroys people and cities so he can trap other nations in place of them.


What is "va'Hemah"?


Rashi: It is like Bahem ? for them.


Radak, Malbim: It is Bahem ? in his Cherem and Michmar.


What is the meaning of "[u'Ma'achalo] Beri'ah"?


Rashi: It is fat. Radak ? this is like "Ish Bari Me'od" (Shoftim 3:17), "Beri'os Basar" (Bereishis 41:3).


Radak #1: Its food is a Seh Beri'ah (fat). Seh is omitted), like "k'Eder ha'Ketzuvos" (Shir ha'Shirim 4:2; it should say 'k'Eder Rechelim ha'Ketzuvos').


Radak #2: There is no omission. Achilah is feminine; Ma'achalo is like Achilah (therefore it says Beri'ah (feminine), even though the verse says Ma'achalo, and not Achilah), like "Ad Bo ha'Shemesh Teshivenu Lo" (Shemos 22:25; even though it discusses Salmah, it is masculine, for it refers to ha'Chavol (the pledge)).


Malbim: Some food is healthy, but not fat. Some is fat, but not healthy for the body. His portion is fat and healthy.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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