
What is the question "ha'Al Ken Yarik Chermo"?


Rashi: This is a lasting Temiyah, like "ha'Niglah Nigleisi" of Eli (Shmuel I, 2:27), "ha'Ro'eh Atah" (Shmuel II, 15:27). Also here, it seems in your eyes that he always succeeds ? he is Merik his net on everything and traps prey. Yarik is like "v'Harek Chanis" (Tehilim 35:3), "va'Yarek Es Chanichav" (Bereishis 14:14) ? he is armed with his net.


Radak: Is this why he attributes his strength to his god? Since he does so, how do You extend his success? Just like a hunter comes with his net full of what he caught, and empties it in his house, and returns to the field to trap more, so he brings spoils to his city, and returns to plunder more and bring it. Why do You make him succeed? He denies You, attributes strength to his god, and kills many nations without mercy! Yarik is emptying, like "Hem Merikim Sakeihem" (Bereishis 42:35).


Malbim: This concludes his astonishment. You put him for Mishpat, and via him will be recognized Your strength to punish Resha'im.. He does not imagine so. Rather, he attributes everything to his power and eradicates many. For this purpose, is it proper that he trap many nations, destroy and kill without mercy? The verse depicts him like a fisherman who empties the fish from his net, so he can trap more. So [Nebuchadnetzar] kills the captives that fall in his hand, so he can trap other nations and settle them in place of them.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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