
What do we learn from "Gam Kaspam... Lo Yuchal Lehatzilam"?


Malbim: The first time, it sufficed to plunder money, and the fire of Hashem's Kin'ah for His name's honor consumed the land - Beis Hashem and Beis ha'Melech were burned.


What is the meaning of "Ki Chalah Ach Nivhalah"?


Radak: The eradication will be with sudden panic.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: They will be totally finished off.


Malbim: First he says "Ki Chalah" - Hashem will eradicate all residents of the land. He retracts - "Ach Nivhalah", He does not want to eradicate them, only to terrify them so they will repent. This is like "v'Gam ba'Yamim ha'Hemah... Lo E'eseh Itechem Kalah" (Yirmeyahu 5:18).

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