
Which Daryavesh is this?


Rashi: It is Daryavesh Melech Paras who was after Achashverosh. Vayikra Rabah (13:5) says that he was Esther's son. Achashverosh reigned 14 years, and then his son Daryavesh succeeded him. 1


Esther was taken to Achashverosh late in his seventh year (Esther 2:16). If so, her son became king at the age of [at most] six (i.e. if she became pregnant soon after she was taken), when Achashverosh died. We find a seven year old king - Yeho'ash (Melachim II, 12:1). Tosfos (Megilah 13b DH Toveles) says that Esther, to avoid a Safek about from whom she is pregnant, used contraception during intimacy with Achashverosh. Presumably, she became pregnant after she ceased to do so, i.e. three months after she [willingly went to the king, and] became forbidden to Mordechai, in his 12th year (Esther 3:7). If so, her son was at most two when he became king! It seems that Tosfos explains unlike Vayikra Rabah. (PF)


What is the significant of Daryavesh's second year?


Rashi: In the days of the first Koresh, Zerubavel and Yehoshua ha'Kohen ascended to Yerushalayim with Koresh's permission ? "Mi Vachem mi'Kol Amo" (Ezra 1:3). Afflicters of Yehudah sent letters to Koresh to command to stop building the Beis ha'Mikdash, and so he commanded ? "Beidayin Betelas Avidas Beis Elaka" (ibid. 4:23). It was Batel for three years that Koresh reigned, 14 years of Achashverosh 1 and the first year of his son Daryavesh. This Nevu'ah was said to Chagai in Daryavesh's second year, to make them zealous to resume building 2 . They should not fear lest Nochrim make them cease; Hashem will make them succeed.


Radak: Koresh authorized Jews to rebuild the Mikdash, 70 years from the start of Nebuchadnetzar's reign. The 70 years of Churban Yerushalayim were not completed; 18 years were lacking, for the Galus was in Nebuchadnetzar's 19th year. Koresh reigned only three years, and the first and last were only partial years. At the beginning of Achashverosh's reign, they wrote prosecution [to stop Binyan ha'Mikdash]. It did not resume until Daryavesh's second year. Koresh's [two] years, Achashverosh's 14 and Daryavesh's two completed the 70 years.


Malbim: From when the Galus began via Sancheriv, the time of the future Ge'ulah began. Nevi'im began to prophesize about it. Had they merited, it would have come immediately, in the days of Chizkiyah or Yoshiyah (refer to Tzefanyah 3:1:1:2*). They did not merit; they were exiled to Bavel to pay for their sin. Had they remained there, they would have assimilated and left Torah. They already intermarried and forgot their language and Torah. Therefore, they had a small Pekidah (redemption) via Koresh. Anshei Keneses ha'Gedolah ascended with them, and returned the Torah and its crown to it says former glory. This was not the final redemption. Daniel saw (interpreted) the four kingdoms that will rule over Yisrael, and several Nevi'im saw that the final Ge'ulah is very far away. Still, had they repented fully 3 , it would have come promptly. Yisrael should have returned to Eretz Yisrael with Ezra via miracles resembling the entrance with Yehoshua; they did not, because they sinned (Brachos 4a). Had they repented, Zerubavel would have been Mashi'ach, and Bayis Sheni would have been permanent. Hashem aroused them via the last Nevi'im ? Chagai, Zecharyah and Malachi, that it depends on them. They did not merit, so Bayis Sheni was later destroyed, and lacked miracles (refer to 1:8:3:1).


Rashi (Esther 5:3): Achashverosh offered to Esther anything "Ad Chetzi ha'Malchus", but not [Ad bi'Chlal] what is in the middle, i.e. Binyan Beis ha'Mikdash. (He did not yet know that she is Jewish! The Vilna Gaon (ibid. 1:1) explains that every 'ha'Melech' Stam in Megilas Esther hints to Hashem. Hashem offered her anything except for Binyan ha'Bayis. ? PF)


Radak: They had slackened due to the haters who ceased them for 18 years. Ru'ach ha'Kodesh did not arouse them until now, for only now the 70 years were completed. So it says in Ezra "v'Hisnabi Chagai Neviyah u'Zcharyah bar Idu Neviyaya Al Yehudayei Di vi'Hud uvi'Yrushlem b'Shem Ekah Yisrael Aleihvon" (5:1).


Malbim (Tzefanyah 3:1): Had all the exiles ascended [for Bayis Sheni], it would have been a permanent redemption.


Why was the Nevu'ah for Zerubavel?


Malbim: They began to build the Beis ha'Mikdash with Koresh's permission, and later it was retracted. Now was time to rebuild it. They should not wait for permission. Had they merited, this would have been a permanent Ge'ulah, and Zerubavel would have been Mashi'ach. They did not merit, so Zerubavel returned to Bavel and died there.


Here it says that Zerubavel was ben She'alti'el. It says in Divrei ha'Yamim (I, 3:19) "u'Vnei Pedayah Zerubavel..."!


Radak, Malbim: Grandchildren are like children. Pedayah was ben She'alti'el 1 (DH I, 3:18). Perhaps it mentions She'alti'el here, for he was more esteemed than Pedayah. Similarly, it says "u'Zcharyah bar Idu" (Ezra 5:1) - really, he was "Zecharyah ben Berechyah ben Idu" (Zecharyah 1:7)!


This is not explicit there. It says "u'Vnei Yechanyah Asir ben She'alti'el Bno; u'Malkiram u'Fdayah v'Shin'atzar..." (17-18). (PF)


What is the grammatical form of "Pachas"?


Radak: It is mil'Ra (the last syllable is accented). It is Samuch to Yehudah; it is from Pechah (governor). Rulers in Bayis Sheni were not called kings, for most of them were under the authority of other nations. Beis Chashmona'i and Hordus [and his seed] who ruled [and were not under others' authority, they are not called kings, for] they were not from Shevet Yehudah.


Was Yehoshua Kohen Gadol in his father's lifetime?


Radak: Yes - his father Yehotzadak was exiled with the [first] Golah - "vi'Yhotzadak Halach b'Haglos Hashem Es Yehudah uvi'Yrushalayim b'Yad Nebuchadnetzar" (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 5:41). His son Yehoshua ascended with Zerubavel. Ezra did not ascend until 70 years from Churban Yerushalayim finished.


What do we learn from "Leimor"?


Radak: This (the coming verse) is what the nation said to Zerubavel and Yehoshua.

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