
Why does it ask "where are your fathers"?


Sanhedrin 105a: The Navi told Yisrael to repent. He said, your fathers sinned - where are they?! Rashi - see that they were stricken harshly, with hunger, the sword and captivity [Radak ? like the Nevi'im told them].


What is the meaning of "veha'Nevi'im hal'Olam Yichyu"?


Rashi: If you will say, 'also the Nevi'im, where are they? [Also] they died!' I answer, were they supposed to live forever? However, their end proves that their words were Emes ? all their decrees of punishments that I commanded them [to publicize], they befell your fathers.


Radak: The Nevi'im who rebuked them ? they could live forever and rebuke them 1 , for they already rebuked them, and they did not heed them.


Radak citing Sanhedrin 105a: Yisrael replied, :your Nevi'im who did not sin, where are they - "veha'Nevi'im hal'Olam Yichyu?"! Refer to 1:6:2:2.


Sanhedrin 105a (according to Maharsha): Yisrael replied to the Navi - your Nevi'im who did not sin, where are they? Zecharyah answered, we know that the Nevi'im are in the world to come - we do not know about your fathers!


Malbim: The Nevi'im who rebuked your fathers ? will they live forever? I will not send new Nevi'im, for there is no need. You saw that all their evil predictions for you were fulfilled!


And they would not heed them. (PF)

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