
What is the meaning of "Tashuvu l'Sochachti"?


R. Yonah: Repent from your ways due to my rebuke.


Malbim: Chachmah tells them to repent from their bad ways, (a) Due to the rebuke that it gave to them, and taught to them the ways of Chachmah and its truth. Also refer to 1:23:2:3.


Why does it say "Abi'ah Lachem Ruchi Odi'ah Devarai Eschem"?


R. Yonah #1: This refers to what is written below in the Parashah.


R. Yonah #2: The rebuke is in the name of the Torah, as if it says the words 1 . I told to you my Ru'ach and informed you of my words - Mitzvos Aseh and Lavim written in the Torah. [Future tense is used in place of past,] like "Az Yashir Moshe" (Shemos 15:1).


Malbim: The Ru'ach of Chachmah will be like a flowing spring in their hearts, and teach to them its laws and truth. Devarai is the punishment for abandoning Chachmah, like will be explained.


Verse 28 "Az Yikra'uneni v'Lo Eeneh" implies that Hashem speaks. Midrash Mishlei here says that we discuss Moshe's rebuke; on verse 24, it brings opinions that it is Hashem's or Yirmeyah's rebuke (Shlomo had Ru'ach ha'Kodesh). If the Torah speaks (or Chachmah, according to Malbim), we must say that "Yadi" (24) is a metaphor (refer to 1:24:2:1-2). (PF)

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