
What do we learn from "va'Telachnah Sheteihem"?


Rashi, from Rus Rabah 3:5: This shows how dear converts are to Hashem. Once she decided to convert, the verse equates her to Na'ami 1 .


Malbim: This explains "va'Tehom


Malbim: We expound so, for "Sheteihem" is not needed.


What do we learn from "va'Tehom Kol ha'Ir


Torah Temimah citing Bava Basra 91a: Elimelech, Machlon and Chilyon were the leaders of their generation and the philanthropists of their generation. They were punished for leaving Eretz Yisrael. "Ha'Zos Na'ami" hints to 'CHaZiSem Na'ami', (have you seen what happened to her for leaving Eretz Yisrael?)


Rashi, from Yerushalmi Kesuvos 1:1: Is it possible that the entire city was astounded due to Na'ami's downfall?! Rather, Bo'az' wife died that day 1 . The entire nation bestowed Chesed (came to her funeral, so they saw when) Rus entered with Na'ami. This one left (died), and this one (Rus) entered [Bo'az' house 2 ].


Rashi: The Hei in ha'Zos has Chataf Patach, for it is said in astonishment. Na'ami used to go in wagons and on mules. Do you see what happened to her for going to Chutz la'Aretz?!


Malbim (21, citing a Midrash): In the past, she used to go in Iskapitiyos and very fine wool, and now she is barefoot and in rags.


The verses imply that the next day, Bo'az saw Rus collecting. Why did he leave his house during Aveilus? Na'ami returned "bi'Schilas Ketzir Se'orim" (22), i.e. reaping the Omer (Rashi), which is on Chol ha'Mo'ed Pesach; Aveilus is postponed until after Pesach. However, refer to 1:22:4:1*. (PF)


Bava Basra 91a: Before someone dies, his replacement is prepared.

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