
What is the significance of "Tum'asah b'Shuleha"?


Rav Sadya Gaon, Rashi: She was like a woman that Dam Nidah is seen at the bottom of her garments. Rashi - i.e. her sins are revealed.


Rid: While her Tum'ah was in her bottom 1 .


Ri Kara: While she was contaminating herself with her idolatry. Shuleha is a euphemism for her Ervah. She was Mezanah under her Husband - "k'Ahavas Hashem Es Bnei Yisrael v'Hem Ponim El Elohim Acherim" (Hoshe'a 3:1).


R. Avigdor citing Eichah Rabah 1:36: This refers to the Kohanim. It says about [the Kohen Gadol's Me'il] "Al Shulei ha'Me'il Saviv" (Shemos 28:34). All the Kohanim who served in the days of Tzidkiyah were Arelim, which is like Tum'as Neveilah. "Bnei Nechar Arlei Lev v'Arlei Vasar" (Yechezkel 44:7). The bottom of her garments and her feet wallow in blood - "k'Tum'as ha'Nidah Haysah Darkam Lefanai" (ibid., 36:17).


Palgei Mayim: This is a Mashal. When one goes in mud, if immediately when he sees that the bottom of his garment is getting dirty, he returns home, washes and cleans the garment, there is no harm. However, if he sees the filth and does not heed it and continues going in the mud, the entire garment is sullied and washing cannot fix it. Because when Yerushalayim saw Tum'ah at the bottom of her garments, she did not remember her end, she descended wondrously.


Magihah (in Toras Chayim): At the time that they were sinning.


How did she not remember her end?


Rashi: When they sinned, they did not heed what will happen later.


Ibn Ezra: When Dam Nidah was seen at the bottom of her garments, she did not consider that in the end, her Ervah will be revealed.


Ri Kara: She did not heed the Nevi'im's rebuke, that her end will be bitter.


What is "va'Tered Pela'im"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: She descended amidst a nation that are separated 1 from her.


Rashi: Her descent caused much astonishment. All are astounded at what happened to her. This did not happen to any city! Ri Kara - "v'Hiflah Hashem Es Makosecha" (Devarim 28:59). Everyone who heard said that it was wondrous that Hashem lowered her from her grandeur.


Ibn Ezra #1: It descended a wondrous descent.


Ibn Ezra #2: It mourned. This is like "v'Yaradti Al he'Harim" (Shoftim 11:37), "Arid b'Sichi" (Tehilim 55:3).


I.e. Pela'im is an expression of distinction, like "v'Hiflah Hashem" (Shemos 9:4); Ibn Ezra (Bamidbar 15:3) equates this to Lefalei with an Aleph at the end, for Aleph and Hei are interchangeable. (PF) Refer to 1:3:1:1..


Why does it say "Ein Menachem Lah"?


Ri Kara: One who comes to console her, he cannot comfort her via [mentioning] another nation that suffered like her. E.g. in the Nevu'ah of Ninveh's punishment, it says that she will be exiled like [Na Amon, Kush and] Egypt (Nachum 3:8-10). The Nevu'ah of Egypt's punishment mentions that also Ashur was great, and fell (Yechezkel Perek 31). No one was stricken like Yerushalayim.


Palgei Mayim: Menachem refers to the Shechinah, like the Alshich explains. The Shechinah departed from her.


Why does it say "[Re'e Hashem Es Onyi] Ki Higdil Oyev"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: She says, Hashem, see my weakness, for the enemy was raised!


Ibn Ezra: The enemy did [or said] great matters.


Palgei Mayim: Even though we do not have our own merit, it is proper for You to do for us because the enemy aggrandized themselves. "Lulei Ka'as Oyev Agur Pen Yenakeru Tzareimo Pen Yomeru Yadenu Ramah

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