
Will Vashti make an edict for all women?


Rashi: Since she disgraced the king, it will cause all women to disgrace their husbands.


Malbim: Only the Saros of Paras and Madai were by Vashti. They understood that he wanted to lower her level and deny her [intrinsic] royalty. This will not cause them to disgrace their husbands. However, the Saros will tell their husbands. This will profane the king's honor - they will think that his kingship is limited. Wives of the nations who were not there will hear only the simple meaning of the events, that he called and she did not come. This will cause them to disgrace their husbands. Refer to 1:17:2:2.


Why does it say "b'Amram"?


Vilna Gaon: When the Sarim will return home and tell that the king said? the women will hear, and disgrace their husbands.


Malbim: If a husband will command his wife to work for him, she will refuse, for (a) Achashverosh is a king, and (b) he commanded Vashti ha'Malkah, who is queen only due to him, and (c) he commanded only a small matter - to come in front of him, and she refused! All the more so, you (my husband) are not a king, and I am a similar level as you, and you ask me to do hard work - all the more so I need not heed you!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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