
Achashverosh wanted to save Vashti. Why was he pleased?


Vilna Gaon: Hashem reverses people's hearts.


Why does it mention that the Sarim were pleased?


Vilna Gaon: This was bad for the Sarim, for now the king can judge for himself and do everything he wants (without their counsel). They lost their authority, and even so, Hashem caused that they be pleased!


Malbim: He could not take unlimited kingship without their consent. They consented, and their power departed 1 .


Malbim (22): Why does the Megilah tell about this? Had he not taken absolute power, his advisors would not have consented (a) to gather Besulos to pick a wife, (b) to take a woman whose nation is not known, (c) to aggrandize Haman, and (d) to eradicate an entire nation.


What do we learn from "va'Ya'as ha'Melech ki'Dvar Memuchan"?


Malbim: He did not need the Sarim's consent.

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