
What do we learn from "Ad sheha'Melech bi'Msivo Nirdi Nosan Reicho"?


Torah Temimah citing Shabbos 88b: A bride that had Zenus (extramarital relations) at the Chupah is Aluvah (audacious).


Rashi: Keneses Yisrael answers, all this is true. You bestowed to me good, and I bestowed to you evil, for while the King


What is the significance of "Nosan Reicho"?


Rashi citing Shabbos 88b: Even though Yisrael sinned [at their Chupah], she retains her dearness to Hashem. It says "Nosan Reicho" (gave its scent.) It does not say 'putrefied.' Rashi - the verse uses a clean expression.

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