
What do we learn from "Tzeror ha'Mor Dodi Li Bein Shodai Yalin"?


Shabbos 88b: Keneses Yisrael says, even though my Beloved pains me and retracts (from the crowns He gave to me, due to the Egel), He dwells in my bosom. (He commanded to build the Mishkan right away.)


Rashi #1: My beloved became to me like one who has myrrh oil wrapped in his bosom, and said to [his friend] 'here is this wrapped [fragrance]. It will give a better scent than the first, which you lost.' So Hashem was appeased with Yisrael for the Egel, and found for them a Kaparah for their sin. He told them to volunteer [donations] for the Mishkan and bring gold for the Mishkan to atone for gold of the Egel.


Rashi #2: Even though I sinned against Him, He said to dwell there - between the two staves of the Aron 1 .


Seforno: You are to me the head of all fragrances. You will reveal Your Shechinah on me like before, and we will return to You like then. However, it is not so - (refer to 1:15:1:4).


Malbim (Melitzah): She sensed the nice scent and spirituality of Hashem and His Elokus from two aspects. (a) The Divine aspect of the Nefesh. Since it is a part of Hashem, it is like a tablet on which all Divine matters are written. The part resembles the whole. When a person opens the eyes of his intellect and looks at the tablets of his Neshamah, he finds there Mishkan Hashem and His Heichal, and looks at all the Divine wonders in Elokim's writing, carved in the Luchos. The Divine scent is wrapped and hidden in his Nefesh. In this way, my Beloved is like wrapped myrrh that dwells between my breasts and the chambers of my heart. It mentions myrrh, which is musk - bound blood in an Indian Chayah. The verse depicts as if blood of the heart, which is the choice blood, that on it the Nefesh of the living bears this bind of Divine scent. (b) Refer to 1:14:1:5.


Malbim (Mashal): She sensed the good scent of her beloved from two aspects. (a) Memory of the fragrance found by her, that her beloved is like a bind of myrrh between her breasts. So it is engraved on her heart. Every time, his scent and memory are there.


Menachos 98b: The staves press against the Paroches and they protrude like breasts.

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