
Having stated in Pasuk 9, that Moshe was unable to judge the people single-handedly, why does the Torah repeat it here?


Rashi: To teach us that, even if, in spite of the potential punishment for judging alone, 1 he would be willing to do so, he would not be able to since, as he already informed them, 2 the decision was not his, but Hashem's.


Seforno: The gist of the Pasuk is to rebuke the people on the fact that, even after he informed them of their imminent entry into Eretz Cana'an, 3 they continued to squabble over monetary issues, until it reached a point that he had to organize judges and even to go so far as to appoint one judge for every ten people. 4


Refer to 1:9:3:1.


Seforno: Which was of major importance and greater significance than their personal money-matters.


Seforno: Due to their wickedness of heart.


What is the difference between "Torchachem, Masa'achem" and "Rivchem"?


Rashi: "Torchachem" is where, for example, one of the litigants would see that the other side was winning the case, he would claim that he had more witnesses, more proofs or that that he wanted to add more judges; 1 "Masa'achem" is where, when Moshe left the Beis-Din early, they would accuse him of having trouble with Shalom Bayis, whereas "Rivchem" simply means their quarrelsomeness.


Ramban #1: They refer to the three things that Moshe told Yisro 2 with reference to his status as the sole judge 3 : 1. To teach them Torah ("Torchachem"); 4 2. To Daven on their behalf ("Masa'achem"), 5 and 3. To litigate between the quarreling parties ("Rivchem").


Seforno: "Torchachem" refers to their quarrels over general issues, "Mas'a'achem", to communal issues and "Rivchem", to quarrels over money-matters.


Targum Yonasan: "Torchachem" refers to heretical issues, 6 "Mas'a'achem", to their wicked thoughts concerning himself, 7 and "Rivchem", to their devious behavior in court, where they would give a Sela in order to extract two, 8 or two, to extract three.


See Oznayim la'Torah, who queries and discusses the same point made by the Ri Avuhav.


See Sh'mos 18:15, 16.


Refer to Sh'mos, 18:25:1:2.


Ramban: Since teaching them the Chukim and the Toros in detail and in depth involved a lot of hard work.


Ramban: As in Melachim 2, 19:4.


That they treated him disrespectfully (See Na'ar Yonasan).


Refer to 1:12:2:1.



Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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