
What is the meaning of "Ispi me'Eretz Kin'asech"?


Rashi: Hide.


Targum Yonasan: Gather your merchandise from the land. Rashi - [Kin'asech] is like "Kena'an b'Yado Moznei Mirmah" (Hoshe'a 12:8). Radak - it is like "Kena'anim Nichbedei Aretz" (Yeshayah 23:8).


Rashi citing Menachem: Kin'asech is an expression of Hachna'ah and lowliness. Ispi is an expression of bowing. Bow and make your submissiveness lower than the land, lower than Yerushalayim, which is now besieged.


Radak: This addresses Bavel. Do not be haughty over Yisrael, for they were exiled among you; it is not due to your virtue. Do not tell them to serve idolatry because now you rule over nations; Hashem's voice tells you to gather in from the land your Hachna'ah. You used to subdue nations; gather it in, for you will not do so any more. Ispi is like "Asof Yadecha" (Shmuel I, 14:19).


Malbim: Why should you (Yehudah) be submissive to other nations, and to the legions of Shamayim (stars)? Remove your Hachna'ah from the land.


What is the meaning of "Yosheves ba'Matzor"?


Rashi citing Menachem: Yerushalayim is now besieged.


Radak #1: You (Bavel) sit in a strong place, and you think that another nation will not rule over you. Matzor refers to strength, like "va'Tiven Tzor Matzor Lah" (Zecharyah 9:3).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: It sits in strength, in walled cities.


Radak #2: This is like "u'Vanisa Matzur" (Devarim 20:20); you (Bavel) will later be besieged.


Malbim: Bas Yehudah is besieged.


Why is Yosheves written with a Yud at the end?


Radak: We find like this - "Ohavti Ladush" (Hoshe'a 10:1). Here, it is pronounced as if there is no Yud; in any case, the meaning is the same.

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