
What does the verse teach about "Kol Besaram v'Gabehem"?


Malbim: They go in the direction that the head faces. I.e. the Keruvim conduct them according to the head over them in Olam ha'Kisei. This applies to the Ofanim, Keruvim, Yedei ha'Chayos and their wings; all go in the direction of the head that rides on the Kisei.


What are "vi'Ydeihem"?


Rashi: They are the holes [in the middle of the wheels, in which the axles go] via which the wheels roll.


Targum Yonasan: V'Ashdas'hon. Radak - this is an incline, like "Ashdos ha'Pisgah" (Devarim 3:17).


What is the significance of being full of eyes?


Malbim: They are full of eyes of Hashem's Hashgachah.


What is the meaning of "l'Arbatam Ofaneihem"?


Rashi: For the four Ofanim of the Chayos.


Radak: This is additional explanation, like "Lahem li'Vnei Yisrael" (Yehoshua 1:2), "v'Imahem Heiman vi'Ydusun Chatzotzeros..." (Divrei ha'Yamim I, 16:42; Radak there - this explains what was with Heiman and Yedusun). It would have sufficed to say l'Arbatam. We find a pronoun with a number, e.g. "Tze'u Sheloshtechem" (Bamidbar 12:4), "va'Yipelu Shevatam" (Shmuel II, 21:9).

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