
Why does it say that a Rasha's storehouses do not help?


Rashi: He used to pride himself about his wealth - "va'Yomer Efrayim Ach Asharti


Below (11:4), R. Yonah explained that "Lo Yo'il Hon


What do we learn from "u'Tzdakah Tatzil mi'Maves"?


Shabbos 156b: Not only does Tzedakah save from a harsh death [and cause one to die in a nicer way], it literally adds life! (The Gemara brings episodes in which one who did Tzedakah was saved from death.)


Rosh Hashanah 16b: Four matters tear decrees against a person - screaming [in prayer], changing his name, changing his deeds, and Tzedakah.


R. Yonah (2-3): Forfeiting one's money for a Mitzvah 1 or Tzedakah, it saves from death. How much greater is detracting [from one's money, i.e. Tzedakah], which has benefit without damage, than extra (sinful gain), which has damage without benefit!


Sha'arei Teshuvah (1:47): Chesed saves from death, and also guards a sinner from afflictions.


Malbim: Tzedakah, i.e. good deeds Bein Adam la'Makom, saves from death.


I.e. The verse says Tzedakah, but the same applies to all Mitzvos. (PF)

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