
What division is the Pasuk referring to?


Rashi: Drinking and not drinking wine before performing the Avodah divide between Avodah that is holy and Avodah that is profane - indicating that a Kohen who performs the Avodah after drinking wine desecrates the Avodah, thereby invalidating it. 1


Kerisos, 13b: "u'Lehavdil bein ha'Kodesh u'Bein ha'Chol" refers to the Dinim of Damim ('D'mei Cheifetz Zeh alai'), Erchin, Charamim and Hekdeishos and "u'Vein ha'Tamei u'Vein ha'Tahor", to Tum'os and Taharos. 2


The Gemara in Zevachim, 17b learns this from the juxtaposition of "u'Lehavdil Bein ha'Kodesh u'Vein ha'Chol" (in Pasuk 10) to "Yayin ve'Sheichar Al Teisht".


See Torah Temimah, note 24.

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