
What do we learn from "Im Yishoch ha'Nachash b'Lo Lachash [v'Ein Yisron l'Va'al ha'Lashon]"?


Torah Temimah citing Ta'anis 8a: If you see Shamayim rust like copper and not send down dew and rain, it is because the generation lacks people who are Lochesh (whisper in prayer). The solution is to go to one who knows how to whisper - "Yagid Alav Re'o" (Iyov 36:33).


Ta'anis 8a: They say to the snake - a lion tramples and eats [its prey] A wolf tears and eats. What benefit do you get [from those whom you kill]? He answers, and what does a Ba'al Leshon ha'Ra gain? (Just like he kills without benefit, so I do.)


Torah Temimah citing Yerushalmi Pe'ah 1:1: They say to the snake - a lion and wolf tear and eat their prey. What benefit do you get [from those whom you kill]? He answers, I would not bite if they did not tell me from Shamayim to bite.


Rav Sadya Gaon: A snake does not bite without poisoning [its victim].


Rashi: If a snake bites because a Chaver (snake-charmer) did not whisper 1 to stop it from biting. Rashbam - "b'Lo Lachash" applies to snakes - "Nechashim Tzif'onim Asher Ein Lahem Lachash" (Yirmeyah 8:17).


Ibn Ezra: This refers to "u'Foretz Gader Yishechenu Nachash" (8). Perhaps the ruler made the fence. The informer [who will tell him who breached his fence] is compared to a snake. He is no better than a poisonous snake that does not hear (heed) whispers; it damages and does not benefit.


Ri Kara: Did you ever see a snake bite without whispering (hissing) first? This cannot be. First it whispers and casts venom on him, then it bites him and kills him. It gets no gain from this. Leshon ha'Ra said about a colleague is like this. First he says Leshon ha'Ra, and the one who accepted it goes and kills the one about whom it was said (Erchin 15b).


Rid, Metzudas David: The snake bit because a Chaver did not whisper to stop it.


Seforno: The advantage of Chachmah is in matters like this. If a snake bites - i.e. a fool breaches a fence - the solution is to whisper to the fool to warn him not to sin more.


Metzudas Tziyon: These are known words that stop a snake from biting. They are called Lachash, for it is normal to whisper them.


What do we learn from "v'Ein Yisron l'Va'al ha'Lashon"?


Torah Temimah citing Ta'anis 8a: If you see Shamayim rust like copper and not send down dew and rain, it is because the generation lacks people who are Lochesh (whisper in prayer). The solution is to go to one who knows how to whisper - "Yagid Alav Re'o" (Iyov 36:33).


Rav Sadya Gaon: A Chover 1 gets no gain via his speech and whispers.


Rashi: The snake-charmer who refrained from whispering to stop it from biting, he has no gain. Similarly, if people of your city stumble in Isurim because no Chacham expounds to them and teaches to them the law of the Torah, he has no gain from his silence; he will not profit.


Seforno: Even if a Ba'al Leshon will speak nicely to the fool, it will not help.


Metzudas David: An informer 2 is no better than a snake, and he is worse. Neither benefits from his deed. The snake, if one whispers to it, it does not bite. The informer, he is warned, and he does not abandon his path.


"V'Chover Chaver" (Devarim 18:11) is one who gathers animals, snakes and scorpions to one place via incantations (Rashi Sanhedrin 65a).


Metzudas Tziyon: Ba'al ha'Lashon is one who informs and speaks Leshon ha'Ra.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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