
"Al Na Ta'azov osanu". Why did Moshe go to such lengths to plead with Yisro not to leave them?


Rashi: So that people should not say that Yisro only converted in order to receive a portion in Eretz Yisrael, and now that he discovered that he would not receive one, he left them.


Seforno: Refer to 10:30:1:3. Moshe was asking Yisro at least to allow his sons to accompany them.


What did Moshe mean when he said to Yisro "Ki al-Kein Yada'ta Chanosenu ba'Midbar"?


Rashi: He was telling him that, since 1 he (Yisro) was acquainted with all their travels in the desert, it would be appropriate for him to remain with them and not to abandon them.


Seforno: Having seen up close Hashem's relationship with Yisrael, if he would sever connections with Yisrael completely, 2 he would create a Chilul Hashem, inasmuch as people oulday that had he seen true G-dliness in Yisrael, he would not have abandoned them together with his children.


Rashbam and Targum Yonasan: He meant to say that Yisro took to heart their camping in the desert and acted as their advisor as the Pasuk describes at the beginning of Yisro. 3


Da'as Zekenim and Hadar Zekenim: 'Since you saw the miracles and mighty deeds that Hashem performed with Yisrael, if you stay with us, people will say that surely he abandoned his land and inheritance because he saw the greatness of Hashem and the good He did to His nation'.


Rashi: The translation of "Ki-al-Kein ", as in Bereishis 38:26, 18:5.


See 10:31:1:2.


Rashbam: Like the Pasuk says in Iyov, 29:15.


What did Moshe mean when he concluded "Vehayisa lanu le'Einayim"?


Rashi #1 (citing Targum Onkelos): With reference to the previous phrase, it means that he had seen with his own eyes the miracles and mighty deeds that Hashem performed with Yisrael.


Rashi #2: 'Whatever will be hidden from us, you will enlighten our eyes (advise us)'. 1


Rashi #3: He meant that if he remained with them, he would be dear to them like the pupils of their eyes. 2


Rashbam: He was referring to the good advice that Yisro gave regarding the judges ? at the beginning og Yisro. 3


Da'as Zekenim and Hadar Zekenim Refer to 10:31:2:4.


Ramban: Regarding the conquest of Cana'an.


Rashi: As the Torah writes in Eikev Devarim, 10:9 "Va'ahavtem es ha'Ger".


Even though the ?Vav ha?Hipuch? at the beginning of ?Vehayisa? ought to change the word to the future.



Rashi writes ' ? lest people say that, when Yisro learned that he would not receive a portion in the land , he left them.' Why would Yisro realize this just now?


Moshav Zekenim: "Veheitavnu lach" implies that [Yisro would receive Doshnah of Yericho] for Tovas Hana'ah (mere rights to use it until the Mikdash will be built), but not permanently, and [people would therefore say that] that was why he left.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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