
Did also Avimelech save Yisrael?


Radak: Yes. Even though it is not mentioned, "Acharei Avimelech" implies that also Avimelech saved Yisrael. Also, if not, he would not be listed with Shoftei Yisrael, and it would not say "va'Yashar Avimelech Al Yisrael" (verse 22).


Malbim: No. He only ruled over them.


What is "Ben Dodo"?


Rashi: This was his name.


Radak: Some texts of Targum Yonasan say "Bar Ach Avuhi", i.e. the cousin of Avimelech. 1


Malbim: If so, how was he "Ish Yisachar"? (Avimelech ben Gid'on was from Yehudah. Sifra (Kedoshim 4:12:6 says that Dodo is only the father's paternal brother. People apply it also to the mother's brother and her sister's husband (Me'iri Sanhedrin 28b). Perhaps here the Pasuk speaks in Leshon Bnei Adam, since it does not affect Halachah. - PF)

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