
What is Ma'on?


Rashi: It is the name of a nation.


Why did Hashem mention these salvations after Amon and Pelishtim, the current afflicters?


Malbim: Do not say that I saved only in earlier generations. I saved you recently from these nations!


The Sefer did not discuss salvation from Tzidonim and Ma'on. Why are they included, and not e.g. Mo'av and Midyan, for which the Sefer recounted the affliction and salvation?


Torah ha'Temimah citing Lev Aharon: These nations served idolatries corresponding to the seven Kockvei Leket (the sun, moon and five closest planets) 1 . Yisrael saw that none of them had power against Hashem, yet they served these seven idolatries! Yisrael were not Shogeg; they recognized Hashem and intended to rebel against Him.


This is a beautiful idea, but I do not know a source. Egypt worshipped the lamb (one of the constellations), and Amon served Molech (Melachim 1 11:7). The one who says that Molech of the Torah is idolatry, it is anything that they call Molech (Sanhedrin 64a, according to Rashi)! (PF) It does say that Hashem left the Tzidonim to test Yisrael (3:1, 3), but Me'on is not mentioned elsewhere in Tanach.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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