
Why does it mention the name of Hadad'ezer's head general?


Rashi: It is because he was very strong.


Here he is called Shovach, and in Divrei ha'Yamim I, 19:16 he is called Shofech!


Sotah 42b #1: His name is Shofech. He is called Shovach because he was (tall) like a Shovech (dovecote).


Sotah 42b #2: His name is Shovach. He is called Shofech because anyone who sees him is Nishpach (spilled) in front of him like a flask.


Radak: Beis and Pei are pronounced from the same place (the lips, so they are interchangeable). We find "Bizer" (Tehilim 68:11) in place of Pizer. (Also refer to Shmuel I 17:18:3:1.)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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