
What is the meaning of "la'Bekarim Atzmis"?


Rashi: Every day I will cut off some of the Resha'im in Yisrael who are Chayav Misah 1 .


Radak: I will constantly cut them off. This is like "Chadashim la'Bekarim" (Eichah 3:23).


Malbim: I will cut them off every morning.


A Sanhedrin that kills once every seven years is called savage (Makos 7a)! Perhaps this does not apply to a king's authority to kill when he assesses a need to do so (like David said that he would kill the Ashir who stole from the Oni - Shmuel II, 12:5). (PF)


Will he cut them off only from "Ir Hashem"?


Radak: I will cut off "Kol Rish'ei Aretz" - wherever they are, and all the more so from "Ir Hashem", i.e. Yerushalayim.


Malbim: I will totally cut them off from Ir Hashem; sinners will not be found there at all.

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