
When will Goyim fear Hashem's name?


Rashi: When You will save Your nation.


Radak (17): After He will build Tziyon, and His honor will be seen.


Malbim: After He will have mercy on Tziyon - "Ki Vanah Hashem Tziyon" (verse 17). Hashem's name refers to publicity from afar. Goyim (a lower level), who do not see Kevod Hashem, will fear due to publicity of His name heard from afar, via building Tziyon with wonders.


What Kavod will they see?


Radak: His honor dwells in Tziyon.


Malbim: Kings of the land, who are wiser and understand matters of honor, will see Kevod Hashem that will be revealed after the building and His great honor will be seen.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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