What is "Kol ha'Yom"?
Radak: The length of the Galus.
Why did he say "Cherefuni Oyvai"?
Malbim: One who is pained, people have mercy on him, or at least they do not revile him. (My enemies revile me the entire day.)
What are "Mecholelai"?
Rashi: They are people who scoff at me. This is like "Holelus" (Koheles 1:17).
What is the meaning of "Bi Nishba'u"?
Rashi: They saw my evil, and swear about their evil via me. They say, if will not happen to me like happened to Yisrael. So [Hashem] will do to me, like [He did] to Yisrael.
Radak: This is like "v'Hinachtem Shimchem li'Shevu'ah li'Vchirai" (Yeshayah 65:15), "Yiten Hashem Osach l'Alah veli'Shevu'ah" (Bamidbar 5:21). They say, I will be like the Yehudi if I do so and so?