
Will Hashem inform Moshe in the future?


Rashi: He already informed him. Radak - "va'Ya'avor Hashem Al Panav va'Yikra?" (Shemos 34:6). "Yodi'a" is like Hodi'a. This is like "Ya'asu Egel b'Chorev" (below, 106:19), "Az Yashir Moshe" (Shemos 15:1) and similar verses.


Why did He inform Moshe?


Radak: Moshe asked "Hodi'eni Na Es Derachecha" (Shemos 33:13).


What are "Derachav"?


Radak: They are the Midos that He conducts with His creations. The next verse lists some of them.


Malbim: He is "Rachum v'Chanun? Erech Apayim" (verse 8). This is from the supreme Tzedakah.


What are "Alilosav"?


Radak: They are His deeds with which He conducted Yisrael in the Midbar, and He conducts with us in Galus.


Malbim: They are actions that sprout from natures of the Nefesh. Bnei Yisrael think that Rachum v'Chanun are like natures of His Nefesh, and they make an impression 1 on Him, like they do on people. These Midos are said about Him only to give people a rough understanding. He informed Moshe that nothing makes an impression on Him. Mercy said about Him is unlike our mercy. His ways are fixed; nothing changes Him.


It is clear from below that the text should say 'Mispa'el' in place of Mispalel. (PF)

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