
Why does it discuss those who dwell in darkness?


Rashi: Also the incarcerated must thank when they are freed.


Radak: They were incarcerated or captured due to their sin. When they repent to Hashem, He takes them out of captivity. Jail is a dark place.


Malbim: When they came to the settled city and were saved from the danger of the Midbar, a new danger arose. They were accused of evil and put into jail - "Ka'asher Yanus Ish Mipnei ha'Ari u'Fga'o ha'Dov" (Amos 5:19), and there it is bitter for them. (a) They stumble in darkness; (b) They are punished with afflictions and fetters, lest they flee.


What is the meaning of "Asirei Oni u'Varzel"?


Radak: "Oni" is the ropes used to tie them; "Varzel" is the fetters on their legs.

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