
What is the meaning of "va'Ysagev Evyon me'Oni"?


Radak: He elevated the Oni from his poverty - this is the opposite of "va'Yashochu" (verse 39).


What is the meaning of "va'Yasem ka'Tzon Mishpachos"?


Rashi: He made an Oni into a family, and his seed [numerous] like great flocks.


Radak #1: This is the opposite of "va'Yim'atu" (verse 39). The poor (small) family will become great like flocks; there will not be sterile women or miscarriages. They are compared to flocks, for they multiply more than other animals - "Mele'os Tzon Adam" (Yechezkel 36:38).


Radak #2: "Va'Yasem" refers to the Evyon; Hashem gives to him many children.

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