Why does it say "Shachav" regarding David, and "Mes" regarding Yo'av?
Rashi #1 (from Koheles Rabah 7:4): David died a natural death; Yo'av was killed.
Rashi #2, from Bava Basra 116a: David left a son proper to fill his place. Yo'av did not leave a son proper to fill his place.
Why did he ask Pharaoh to send him now?
Radak: He thought that now he can harm Yisrael, for David and Yo'av died, and Shlomo is a youth. He could not do so while in Egypt, for Shlomo married Bas Pharaoh. He left, but he was unable to harm Yisrael until Shlomo's old age, when Hashem wanted to afflict Shlomo. 1
Malbim explains similarly, just he says that Hadad told Pharaoh that he wants to avenge Yisrael. (PF)