
Here it says that he afflicted Yisrael all the days of Shlomo. Above (5:5, 18) it says " Yehudah and Yisrael sat serenely


Radak, Malbim: From when he became a Satan, when Shlomo's heart veered from Hashem, he was a Satan all the [remaining] days of Shlomo. This was so he would regret his sin.


What is the meaning of "v'Es ha'Ra'ah Asher Hadad"?


Rashi: With the evil of Hadad, also was the evil [of Razon].


Malbim: Even though Razon did not hate Yisrael, he joined to the evil of Hadad whom Yisrael harmed and he bore hatred for them. Razon joined to him to also afflict Yisrael.


What is the meaning of "va'Yakatz b'Yisrael"?


Radak #1: It is a Po'el Yotzei (acts on another). The Targum is 'rebelled against Yisrael.'


Radak #2: It is Po'el Omed (the action applies to the subject himself). He despised Yisrael, [even] when he had Shalom with them.


Malbim: Aram used to bring gifts to David (Shmuel II, 8:6), and also to Shlomo. They caused Aram to [cease giving gifts, and] rebel against Shlomo; this led to quarrels between them.


Verse 24 says that he became king in Damesek. How did he become king over Aram?


Malbim: After Aram rebelled against Shlomo and there were quarrels between them, they feared Shlomo. They all accepted Razon to be their king and fight their wars to protect them.

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