Why is there a Makaf between "u'Va'u" and "Shamah"? Each has its own note!
Radak: We find like this ? "va'Yetzei Noach" (Bereishis 8:18). This occurs 10 times [in Tanach].
What does "[v'Hesiru] Kol Shikutzeha" refer to?
Radak: The abominations that the Goyim did, i.e. of Edom, for [Eretz Yisrael] will be in their hands when the Ge'ulah comes. It will be destroyed ? "v'Lases Shikutz Shomem" (Daniel 12:11).
Malbim: In Ge'ulas Bayis Sheni, they removed the idols, for Anshei Keneses ha'Gedolah [via their Tefilah] nullified the Yetzer for idolatry.
What does "v'Es Kol To'avoseha" include?
Malbim: In the final Ge'ulah, the Yetzer for Arayos and other abomination will be nullified.