
Why do they say "Lo v'Karov"?


Rashi: The Nevi'im's words will not come upon us soon.


Malbim: Do not build houses close to the city wall, for the enemy's fire consumes 1 . Refer to 11:3:3:2.


I.e. they can shoot over the wall arrows, rocks, burning torches? (PF)


Why do they want to build houses?


Rashi: We are not concerned [lest the Nevi'im's words be fulfilled soon]. Rather, we will build 1 house and live in them. We will not be exiled from this city until we die.


Malbim: Refer to 11:3:1:2.


Radak: "Benos" is Makor (like an infinitive), like "b'Yom Asos Hashem" (Bereishis 2:4).


What is the metaphor of a pot and meat?


Rashi: Just like meat does not leave the pot until it is fully cooked, so we will not leave [the city] until we die.


Malbim: The pot represents the city wall, like we find "Sir Nafu'ach Ani Ro'eh" (Yirmeyah 1:13), "Shefos ha'Sir Shefos" (below, 24:3). Just like a pot protects meat, lest the fire burn it, so the wall will protect the city residents from the enemy's fire. Just like one may not put meat too close to the wall of the pot without an intermediary, i.e. water to separate them, do not put houses too close to the wall.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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