
What is the meaning of "Ken Amartem Beis Yisrael"?


Rashi: I know that you said that Yerushalayim is the pot and you are the meat, and you will remain in it until death 1 . Refer to 11:6:2:1.


Radak: Your Mashal is true, but not like you say about yourselves, and not like you thought. You think that you will not be exiled from Yerushalayim. Really, the dead bodies that you put in it, they are meat that will remain in the pot (city).


Malbim: This is what you said with your mouths, "u'Ma'alos Ruchachem" ? and so you think in your hearts. Refer to 11:5:2:3.


Rashi (3): Just like meat does not leave the pot until it is fully cooked.


What are "Ma'alos Ruchachem [Ani Yedatiha]"?


Rashi: What crosses your minds (your desires).


Radak: I know your intent in this Mashal. Ma'alos (plural) are your intents; Yedatiha ? I know each of them.


Malbim: You absolutely rely on the wall ? "va'Tistzu ha'Batim Levatzer ha'Chomah; ? v'Lo Hibatetem El Oseha" (Yeshayah 22:10-11). You do not believe in Hashem's word, that He decreed that the enemy will conquer you. I know that it is not like you think. I oversee and know what is in your hearts.

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